The minister of interior, Habib al-Adli, issued a stern warning that no further street gatherings of any kind would be tolerated.
内政大臣,Habib al -Adli,严正警告到不会再容忍任何形式的街头聚集。
The next day his minister of interior apologised, conceding that the timing was unfortunate, but said that the announcement was merely a “routine, technical” step.
The French Interior Minister has intervened in a scandal over the role of a secret police force.
He called the minister of the interior and, lo and behold, within about an hour, the prisoners were released.
The interior minister, Christophe Castaner, visited the cathedral on Tuesday afternoon to see the extent of the devastation.
German Vargas Lleras, the new interior minister, withdrew a bill presented by his predecessor that would have ended the independence of the attorney-general.
A former interior minister, Charles Pasqua, was this week sentenced to a year in prison (and a suspended sentence of two years) for involvement in arms trafficking to Angola.
The nation's Interior Minister Humberto Centeno called it "a tragedy" and said rescue workers were still struggling to reach some of the worst affected areas.
The interior minister, Rumen Petkov, has just been forced to resign, after the 120th in a string of unsolved contract killings; he has admitted being in contact with suspected crime bosses.
Giuliano Amato, Italy's interior minister, said that the EU's rules on free movement were inadequate in the face of the arrival of 500,000 Romanians.
意大利内政部长Giuliano Amato说欧盟关于国家间人员自由流动的政策在50万的罗马尼亚人面前是无能为力的。
The interior minister, Charles Rogier, agreed to hand over a large sum of money to build a studio that would, after Wiertz's death, display his works in perpetuity.
Since then, according to Brice Hortefeux, the interior minister, the authorities have closed 88 of France's several hundred illegal camps, and deported 850 Roma, mostly to Romania and Bulgaria.
The country's interior minister, Thomas DE maiziere, said Tuesday he would convene a summit meeting, titled the "Digitalization of Town and country," on Sept. 20.
Instead, it prompted the resignations of the country's hugely respected interior minister and spy chief and exposed serious disagreements about efforts at reconciliation with the insurgents.
Most of the victims were buried by mudslides or swept away by raging rivers, the deputy interior minister, Ernesto Zelayandia, said.
King of Saudi Arabia (since1982) who earlier served as interior minister (1962-1975) and helped shape Saudi domestic and foreign policy.
法赫德沙特阿拉伯国王(从1982年起),曾任内务大臣(1962- 1975年),辅佐沙特的内外政策。
King of Saudi Arabia (since 982) who earlier served as interior minister (9 '2-975) and helped shape Saudi domestic and foreign policy.
沙特阿拉伯国王(从982年起),曾任内务大臣(9'2- 975年),辅佐沙特的内外政策。
The two unnamed politicians bickering in Satine's throne room are the Minister of Finance (the woman), and the Minister of the Interior (the man).
E-mail: Prime Minister, Ministry of Education, Federal Territory, the Interior, Internal Affairs, the Malaysian Chinese Association, the opposition party, Royal Malaysian Police Headquarters.
One eof the plane's black box recorders has been found at the crash site, about 100 km (65 miles) north of the Riviera city of Nice, and will be examined immediately, France's interior minister said.
"Sir" said the valet de chambre entering the room "a dragoon has brought this despatch from the minister of the interior. "
During a ceremony in the Italian port town of Gaeta, Interior Minister Roberto Maroni gave Libya the first three of six patrol boats as part of an agreement to stem the flow of illegal immigrants.
意大利正在针对非法移民展开行动,并在按照同利比亚签署的协议,已经开始将乘船前来意大利的流民送回非洲。 意大利议会众议院已经通过了一个新的安全法案,重新确定非法移民为一种犯罪行为。
FRANCISCO BLAKE MORA, the interior minister who was leading Mexico's war on organised crime, has been killed in a helicopter crash on the outskirts of Mexico City.
领导墨西哥打击有组织犯罪的内政部长弗朗西斯科·布雷克·莫拉(FRANCISCO BLAKE MORA)死于墨西哥城市郊的一次直升飞机失事。
FRANCISCO BLAKE MORA, the interior minister who was leading Mexico's war on organised crime, has been killed in a helicopter crash on the outskirts of Mexico City.
领导墨西哥打击有组织犯罪的内政部长弗朗西斯科·布雷克·莫拉(FRANCISCO BLAKE MORA)死于墨西哥城市郊的一次直升飞机失事。