Now, four centuries later, we know that the Earth is a small planet circling a minor sun on the edge of just one of an estimated 125 billion galaxies.
It is also the former number of Route 491, a brand of cough syrup, and forms part of the name of 666 Desdemona, a minor planet in the asteroid belt.
The JPL team takes orbit data from the Minor Planet Center and refines it, asteroid by asteroid.
And of course, no matter what you call it, many astronomers will continue to see Pluto as one of the most fascinating objects in solar system, the Minor Planet Center's Spahr said.
We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star.
Williams of the international astronomical union's minor planet center in Cambridge Massachusetts has helped in determining the astronomical position of this asteroid.
Zhang Yuzhe is credited by the Minor Planet Center for the discovery of 3789 Zhongguo under the name "Y. C. Chang". The asteroid 2051 Chang is named after him.
It is also used for the difference between the observed position of an object (minor planet or comet) and the position calculated from an orbit.
The minor planet moves around the Sun in the ecliptic plane, never coming inside the orbit of the Earth.
There are on your planet many earthquakes, some of them minor and some of them major;
To reiterate a very important point, three positions for a new FMO are necessary for the Minor Planet Center (MPC) to determine if a FMO's earth relative speed is accelerating or decelerating.
This conclusion is consistent with the hypothesis that the rotational axis of the minor planet has no precession.
This conclusion is consistent with the hypothesis that the rotational axis of the minor planet has no precession.