What began as a minor scuffle turned into a full-scale riot.
As Haggin put it, Mendelssohn, as a composer, was a minor master working on a small scale of emotion and texture.
The missionaries started out helping the sick on a minor scale, but soon things had gone so far that circumstances began to govern the missionaries.
Roughly every 10 years a major new language emerges, and minor ones emerge every 3 years or so, well within the lifecycle of large-scale applications.
As in most central African countries, Congo's deforestation is currently minor, caused largely by small-scale shifting cultivation and over-harvesting of wood for fuel.
The seventh so added will be a major seventh in the case of triads on the tonic and subdominant, and a minor seventh in the case of other degrees of the diatonic major scale.
Adoption of second version of generalized design of small scale urea plant issued by China Wuhuan chemical engineering Corp. in Ninyang fertilizer plant and minor modification on it are introduced.
The minor-scale industrial heap-leaching test presents the character of long leaching cycle and low leaching ratio.
The minor-scale industrial heap-leaching test presents the character of long leaching cycle and low leaching ratio.