The reasons vary, but they all believe that taking a minor subject is a rewarding experience.
"There was one semester that I had to take more than ten exams including five exams for my minor subject, " she says.
"He told me that English is just a tool. Studying law as a minor subject can improve my chances in job hunting," she says.
Her first-choice program was accounting, so she signed up for the minor subject in accounting immediately after she heard about it.
"As I signed up for my minor subject only because I'm interested in it, I planned to drop out if I had more important things to do, " she says.
This is to certify that I have read the regulations of academic affairs regarding double major, minor subject and professional courses, and I am willing to …
There were also "dozens of hobby projects" that had to be shut down, with even minor capital-spending decisions subject to board review.
Before we enter into that subject, I wish to request some clarification on a minor point. Do you mind if we take a minute?
Each subject grouping in USPTO's scheme includes a major component called a class and a minor one called a subclass.
I didn't minor in any subject, but I attended English and computer courses.
Paternity's subject is parent and its object is minor children and its content is protecting the minor children's profits.
I didn't minor in any subject when I was in university, but I attended English and computer courses.
In the administration of justice, the law concerns itself with subject terms that denote the nature of ACTS, rather than the minor details of specific ACTS.
That being said, of course these changes are not yet implemented and are subject to revision or reversal before the next minor patch.
I didn't minor in any subject when I was in university, but I attended English and computer courses. And I am currently studying finance in a training school.
Please Note: This email alert service is in beta and may be subject to minor changes to improve service and performance.
Having a minor may be personally important to a student if his/her minor is a subject that he/she passionates about;
4 4 College Students (full-time), wheelchair spectators and minor children under 16 years old shall subject to the special terms and conditions for tickets which will be published every year.
4 4 College Students (full-time), wheelchair spectators and minor children under 16 years old shall subject to the special terms and conditions for tickets which will be published every year.