Some day you may be either a speaker or a listener in a situation involving people from other countries or members of a minority group in North America.
Hispanics are America's largest minority group, accounting for about 15 percent of the U.S. population.
The Yuanling dragon boat race was for sacrificial purpose to Pan Hu-the ancestor of Miao minority group.
Falling on the 8th day of the 2nd lunar month, it is a traditional festival of the Lisuethnic minority group.
They are now a minority group and most of them live in terrible conditions while the rest of us are quite well-off.
In this city, you suddenly become one of the minority group, even though you were told that this city is melting pot.
He also believes, as a member of the same minority group of many of the people he serves, that he provides them with a positive role model.
Mengke Bateer, a basketball star of the Mongolian minority group and the only Asian to be awarded an NBA Championship Ring, will run the first leg.
I am particularly concerned, however, with the plight of the young veteran without a job, especially if he is a disabled member or one of a minority group.
The census also showed that a higher proportion of people who have married recently are Hispanic, which is the fastest-growing minority group in the country.
He thinks it unfair to poor whites that racial preferences designed to atone for slavery and segregation should be extended to virtually every other minority group.
It is one thing to have some individuals around, even if they band together as a minority group, who cannot or will not abide by the institutional rules of cousinhood.
Duliu River flowing down from Guizhou brings the culture of the Dong ethnic minority group to the Guangxi people and is the only autonomous county of Dong people in Guangxi.
People who were just one-quarter Asian or one-quarter black, for example, were overwhelmingly assigned to the minority group, but this happened somewhat less frequently for the Asians.
"The multiracial kids are able to" place one foot in the majority and one in the minority group, and in this way might be buffered against the negative consequences of feeling tokenized.
The multiracial kids are able to "place one foot in the majority and one in the minority group, and in this way might be buffered against the negative consequences of feeling tokenized."
The idea that Canada is a safe space is a lie - and an easy one to catch for anyone who has actually lived here as part of a minority group and watched how the country chooses to forget about you.
Nigeria was suspended from the 54-nation group of mainly former British colonies in 1995 after it executed nine minority rights activists, including writer Ken Saro-Wiwa.
Justices who sign on to either the majority or minority opinion may also add their own opinions, singularly and collectively, that augment the group opinion.
It will also worsen Afghanistan's main ethnic division between Pushtuns, Mr Karzai's group, and a powerful Tajik minority who voted mostly for Dr Abdullah.
Chinese regulators yesterday rejected proposals by Goldman Sachs to buy a substantial minority stake in Fuyao Glass Group, China’s largest automotive glass maker.
People who were half-white and half-black or half-white and half-Asian were both typically identified as belonging to their minority parent's racial group.
People who were half-white and half-black or half-white and half-Asian were both typically identified as belonging to their minority parent's racial group.