There exist some improper places in the minutes of Board of Directors meeting.
Decisions on matters discussed at a meeting of the board of directors shall be minuted down, and the minutes of the meeting shall be signed by the directors present.
Registers of shareholders, directors and officers and minutes of board meetings need to be kept.
Minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors, any committees of the Board of Directors, and the stockholders of the Company and its subsidiaries from the date of incorporation.
自公司及其子公司成立起所有董事会会议记录,董事委员会会议记录,以及公司 及其子公司股东会议记录。
Minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors, any committees of the Board of Directors, and the stockholders of the Company and its subsidiaries from the date of incorporation.
自公司及其子公司成立起所有董事会会议记录,董事委员会会议记录,以及公司 及其子公司股东会议记录。