A method of mirror face protection for (AlGa) as visible laser is presented.
Inner flat mirror face of stainless steel weld pipe of Hongyun is famous for precise size, property, surface sanitation and high precision.
It comes equipped with a sound effect function, a new mirror face, high speed song search at 36 times the normal speed and 62 hours of continuous playback.
The colouration of Aluminum film with mirror face was introduced with the addiction of proper amount of activating agent in metallographic mirror bright coating dye bath.
介绍了在金相镜光涂料染色浴中加入适量的活性剂,对具有镜面的铝膜(材)表面进行染色的方法; 并从实验中得出了所染颜色与时间,匀染剂量的关系曲线。
When she looks in the mirror, though, her face warps out of focus as if the reflection is from a funhouse mirror.
The face of income inequality, for all but a very few of us, is the one we each see in the mirror.
Mark held his breath and stared at the barber's face in the mirror.
When my clients put a mirror next to their desk they are often shocked by the angry, frowning face which stares back at them.
Like a conventional mirror, a solar balloon of this sort must be turned to face the sun as it moves through the sky, and Cool Earth is testing various ways of doing this.
Shortly after the Buddhist has divorced and become a Buddhist, he stands in front of the mirror looking at his face beneath his thin, mousy hair.
Such a sad, ugly girl! I made noises like an angry animal, trying to scratch out th face in the mirror.
Before going to bed that night , I looked in the mirror above the bathroom sink and when I saw only my face staring back - and that it would always be this ordinary face - I began to cry .
But as Japan's city-dwelling politicians look at their greying hair in the mirror, tomorrow's crisis may be staring them in the face.
Look in the mirror often, in dreams and real life. In a dream, your face will almost always be distorted in various ways.
Checking his work against other ancient and modern primates, Suwa rebuilt a virtual skull and made a mirror image of part of the face to create its missing left side (brown section).
It was usually as a blurred face at the back of a painting, behind a huge plant, or casually in a hand mirror.
The team is the core unit of business school education, as it's meant to mirror what we will all face when we go back to the workplace.
Take a look in the mirror. The face you see is rather different to that of a Neanderthal.
I remember when I was a little girl, I often stood on my toes, trying to find my face in the mirror of the dressing table, which was nearly as high as I was.
Maybe when you look in the mirror it seems like your pores are taking over your face.
And I practiced very, very hard by myself, standing in front of a mirror, trying to annunciate without contorting my face.
Here and there she came to a full stop, and peeped curiously into a pool, left by the retiring tide as a mirror for Pearl to see her face in.
After that, people wanted someone to "ensure they are dead," and hold "a mirror over the face to check for signs of breathing."
As we face each other in omnibuses and underground railways we are looking into the mirror that accounts for the vagueness, the gleam of glassiness, in our eyes.
Tip: to determine your true shape, pull your hair off your forehead with one hand, look into a mirror and trace the outline of your face on the glass with lipstick.
Check your face in the mirror: Do you have any blemishes you could cover, or greasy skin that needs powdering? Could your eyes use some drop to clear up redness?
Watching yourself on video is very different to seeing your reflection in the mirror - you see different angles of your face, you see yourself moving.
To begin teaching the robot, the researchers stuck Einstein in front of a mirror and instructed the robot to “body babble” by contorting its face into random positions.
To begin teaching the robot, the researchers stuck Einstein in front of a mirror and instructed the robot to “body babble” by contorting its face into random positions.