Many lines from Shakespeare's plays are misquoted and misapplied.
That's a very limited view, and it can cause performance problems in applications if it's misapplied.
The most likely is that QED is correct, but has been misapplied in what he describes as a "very difficult calculation".
The results in the experiment supported the conflicting cues theory but did not support the misapplied size constancy theory.
It focuses on using and developing XML applications, with a particular emphasis on aspects of XML that are often misunderstood or misapplied.
It discusses the impact of backup and data replication, the often misapplied B2D and D2D strategies, and "tapeless" backup environments.
The professor said the judge had misapplied the law by granting Mr. Turner probation and by taking his age, academic achievement and alcohol consumption into consideration.
But though quarantines were frequently effective in protecting the public from the spread of illness, they can be a blunt instrument, and have often been abused or misapplied.
And because that happened automatically, with no warnings of any kind, you might not even realize the mistake. At least, not until the misapplied access control precipitates some online disaster.
Although the classical dissipative structure theory misapplied the second law of thermodynamics and the disorder of entropy, but could not conceal the value of dissipative structure theory itself.
Although the classical dissipative structure theory misapplied the second law of thermodynamics and the disorder of entropy, but could not conceal the value of dissipative structure theory itself.