The "misery index" -the sum of consumer price inflation plus the unemployment rate-peaked at well over 20%.
The unfunded liabilities of the Social Security system declined as a share of GDP, and the "misery index" fell to under 10%.
In addition, the misery index in Ukraine (stuck in armed conflict and economic crisis), Greece, Spain and other European economies is higher.
The "misery index", a crude grading that sums unemployment and inflation rates, suggests Iceland is now doing better than Ireland (see chart).
One reader has channelled his frustrations into compiling an indicator of the quality of delivery (not a misery index, we hope), which we think is fab
Add the unemployment and inflation together and the "misery index" today is around 9%. That is the same as in November 2004 and, surprisingly, higher than in November 1994.
Add the unemployment and inflation together and the "misery index" today is around 9%. That is the same as in November 2004 and, surprisingly, higher than in November 1994.