What are the biggest ways that Americans and Chinese misunderstand each other?
美国人和中国人互相之间最深的误解是什么? ?
I just do not always know what to say so that we will not misunderstand each other.
Despite the two countries' long history of interaction, they frequently display a stunning ability to misunderstand each other.
In the process of intercultural communication, people always misunderstand each other, especially when they use nonverbal behaviors to communicate.
But the fundamental and most vicious, swinish, murderous, and unchangeable fact is that we totally misunderstand each other -- we operate on alien wave lengths.
What if, for some one of the subtler reasons that would tell with both of them, they should tire of each other, misunderstand or irritate each other?
What if, for someone of the subtler reasons that would tell with both ofthem, they should tire of each other, misunderstand orirritate each other?
What if, for someone of the subtler reasons that would tell with both ofthem, they should tire of each other, misunderstand orirritate each other?