Dont waste money on a Super Bowl AD unless you have these other pieces of the mix in place.
We can define generic methods in one place and mix them into our Objects across multiple Class types while limiting access to sensitive methods on a per Object basis.
For the moment, technological advances are supporting ethanol and biodiesel's place in the global fuel mix.
Even in theory, the right mix of policies in any exit strategy ought to differ from place to place, depending on the circumstances.
But now you've got a good starting place, rather than trying to mix in design with cleaning up the CSS and figuring out if you're writing XHTML or HTML strict or whatever else.
Instead, a myriad of staff members at a business school often will work for months to first admit the right mix of students and then place them in strategically-appropriate study groups.
Our mix also includes 900 hydroelectric stations worldwide, 70 percent of which are already in place.
This description of the museum's collection, intoned in the scratchy film that greets visitors upon entry, captures the mix of inquiry, intrigue and anachronistic romance that defines this rare place.
这段关于博物馆臧品的描述概括了这个独特之地。 介绍词以单调长音的腔调配合潦草画电影播出,迎接入口处的参观者,重现了混合着探究,诡计和时代错置的浪漫的氛围。
We need to be aware of the changes taking place, and we must make sure that we have the right mix of capabilities to deal with any contingencies that might arise in the future.
Professor E. Jerome McCarthy, also at the Harvard Business School in the early 1960s, suggested that the Marketing Mix contained 4 elements: product, price, place and promotion.
60年代早期也在哈佛商学院的E. JeromeMcCarthy教授提出市场营销组合包括四个要素:产品、价格、地点和促销。
The idea is that in a boot-like place (the main method?) it is populated with appropriate instances for the service names, and that unit tests can program it with a mix of real and mock instances.
其思想是在程序的入口(main方法?) ,把与服务名对应的实例填充进服务定位器,单元测试的时候可以混合使用真实或模拟的实例来填充。
Now that the basic Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework is in place, I'm ready to mix in some external technologies. Specifically, I'm going to add a map.
目前基本的模型-视图-控制器(Model - View - Controller,mvc)框架已经准备就绪,我将加入一些外部技术,具体来讲,我将加入地图功能。
Industries and organisations vary greatly with respect to the relative importance they place on the different elements in the promotion mix.
So you can place your perfume in a dark place for 30 days or so to allow the oils to better dissipate; or shake vigorously to mix before spritzing .
The consumer centre is a place where tourists and locals mix in what often looks like a desperate attempt to shop for anything edible and to be entertained by the act of buying.
Place thinly shredded jelly in a medium mixing bowl, and mix sauce ingredients and pour over, stir gently.
Balsam pear tea: the fresh balsam pear shuts off the fruit pulp, integrates the tea mix, is hanging ventilates place dries in the shade.
This paper deals with materials, design parameters. construction batch strength and design of mix proportion for underwater concrete cast in a major diameter cast in place pile.
In other words, a marketing mix includes four dimensions: product, price, promotion and place.
The mix of genres works because the story is set in a time and place where the good war was already turning into the cold war, with its questionable means and uncertain ends.
Place the potato puree in a bowl, add in ground meat, onion and corns, flavoured with the seasoning. Mix all the ingredients until well combined.
The Everglades is the only place in the world where alligators and crocodiles co-exist, where freshwater and saltwater mix to create an environment where mangrove trees and saw grass flourish.
For Old Dough, mix all the ingredients together, either by hand or in a machine, until well combined. Place in an oiled plastic container and refrigerate for 24 hours before use.
Open up the jello mix and place it into a large bowl. Then add 1 cup of boiling water and stir until the jello crystals have dissolved. Then pour in the vodka mixture and stir.
Open up the jello mix and place it into a large bowl. Then add 1 cup of boiling water and stir until the jello crystals have dissolved. Then pour in the vodka mixture and stir.