In Belarus side, 88% of the trees are coniferous and mixed forest.
In Belarus side, 88 % of the trees are coniferous and mixed forest.
Broad-leaved forest canopy interception most, followed by mixed forest, shrubs, bamboo forest.
The broad leaved tree in mixed forest can add nitrogen and adjust the ration of carbon to nitrogen.
Soil quality of mixed forest of Korean pine is the best, and that of 58 year-old Korean pine plantation is the worst.
Soil retention capacity of surface layer is the best in the mixed forest, while differences are little in other forests.
The habitat of the Reeves's Pheasant is in the subtropical evergreen forest and mixed forest of evergreen and broadleaf woods.
The species belongs to DCZM-H Pattern, can be seen in the sub-stratum of the Decidural forest, Tsuga forest and Mixed Forest often.
Thispaper proposed the idea that broad - leafed forest and mixed forest could be bred by artificalfacilitation on the same condition.
Investigation of the soil factors showed that the aeration and water perviousness of mixed forest were better than that of pure forest.
Within the Kanas Nature Reserve, grow pure forest of stone pine as well as mixed forest of stone pine with spruce or stone pine with fir.
Compared with the bare land, the mixed forest and manual shrubbery can reduce evaporation from water surface 50.54% and 55.20%, respectively.
The stem biomass of Pinus in the pure forest was of pyramid shape and the deadwood biomass accounted for 1.75%, but 4.20% in the mixed forest.
The pest's controls, such as mixed forest, forest tree management, or introduction and protection of its natural enemy, are effective measures.
The mixed forest transformed net increase in forest litter layer of the soil surface allowed the small soil bulk density and larger soil porosity.
The elevation of 3100 m (in Cooltemperate coniferous and broadleaf mixed forest) was the dividing line between the two realms in Cangshan Mountain.
在中山温凉性针阔叶混交林内海拔约3 100 m 处是该山两大动物区系分异的界线。
The mixed forest in Yuquan Mt. is the one of the secondary vegetations preserved completely and developed well in the hilly regions in Hubei Province.
The content of total nitrogen and total phosphorus in every forest runoff is higher than rainfall, and that of Coniferous mixed forest is the highest.
Different mixed mode has different effect, in row intervals mixed forest, microbial quantities and respiration intensity of the soil have been improved.
The undergrowth vegetation biomass in Korean pine plantations declined over years and was less than that of the mixed forest of Korean pine and secondary natural forest at all age stages.
The study extracted the image of the distribution of forest landscape and overlay with forest coverage map. Broadleaf forest, conifer forest , mixed forest and shurb are classified with NDVI.
Another value of the regularity was that the selection range of tree species of mixed forest will increase with the tree species' increasing in anti_pest forest which was designed or reformed.
The results showed that:the direct shear tests, the largest of soil cohesion and pastes the value of resistance is evergreen and deciduous broad-leaved mixed forest, warm bamboo forest is minimum;
Research shows, during the process of the impact of vegetation to runoff, that mixed forest has the most obvious extension of the rain forest, followed by broadleaved forest, shrubs, bamboo forest;
In mixed communities, of forest dwelling and settled peoples, the forest dwellers are rarely consulted, but are grateful for any employment of largess their receive.
Mingling is one of the important spatial structure indices to describe tree species segregation of mixed-species forest.
The forest communities had 5 types 18 kinds, which were mixed evergreen deciduous broad-leaved forest, coniferous forest, mixed coniferous broad-leaved forest, broad-leaved forest and bamboo et al.
The forest communities had 5 types 18 kinds, which were mixed evergreen deciduous broad-leaved forest, coniferous forest, mixed coniferous broad-leaved forest, broad-leaved forest and bamboo et al.