The report provides insights into the current mobile network data traffic and market trends, applicable to both consumers and enterprises.
China has at least 420m web users and is also the world's largest mobile phone market with more than 833m subscribers as of the end of September, according to official data.
The shift to mobile has also created a new market for Intel: Its chips are in the huge data servers that power the cloud, where much mobile data is stored.
New business data pattern as the whole driving force of mobile communication, which requires operators to provide more efficient and convenient ways to the market to provide rich, convenient services.
After the MNP policy being implemented in the Japanese mobile operation market, Instead of leading to collapse, it did promote the innovation of mobile data services.
The recent availability of easy portable mobile data connections (such as the USB modem) means that mobile data services have started to become a mass market consumer item.
近几年,因方便携带的行动数据连接(US B调制解调器等)可以利用,行动数据服务开始成为大众市场消费项目。
The recent availability of easy portable mobile data connections (such as the USB modem) means that mobile data services have started to become a mass market consumer item.
近几年,因方便携带的行动数据连接(US B调制解调器等)可以利用,行动数据服务开始成为大众市场消费项目。