The improved test system is tested in project test of mobile intelligent network, and the experimental results are analyzed.
Aiming at, the leaky bucket algorithm based on two-stage credit for mobile intelligent network (min), a modified algorithm is proposed and a system mechanism also established.
The technological scenarios relative to it are analyzed. By using the first one, the research of intelligent service in mobile intelligent network and its realizing method can be finished.
Due to its distributed and intelligent characteristics, mobile agent technique has been studied intensively and applied widely especially in the network management field.
There are some intelligent transportation techniques such as mobile information, vehicle locating, vehicle identification, communication and network, valuable in logistics management.
By analyzing and improving the architecture of mobile data services network, the functional model for interworking based on data services and intelligent services of CMIN02 system of Beijing Unive...
In the whole remote fault diagnosis system of mobile and complicated equipment, the bottom-intelligent network is an important and basic part.
In the whole remote fault diagnosis system of mobile and complicated equipment, the bottom-intelligent network is an important and basic part.