This brings me to the matter of mobile web browsing.
Modern handset makers know that consumers want a faster mobile web browsing experience, so they put lots of marketing effort into promoting powerful phone CPUs and new wireless connections.
There is no way to read old articles, other than to go to the official newspaper website, either through mobile browsing or by using a PC web browser.
Firefox Mobile for Maemo demonstrates the flexibility of the Firefox Web browser and its potential to bring a desktop-like browsing experience to constrained computing environments.
Despite the hype, analysts say Japan's 108 million mobile subscribers who are already frequent users of Web browsing and email on 3g networks might not be easily wowed by the iPhone.
Bloglines and Feedburner support RSS aggregation on your internet-connected Web browsing mobile device.
Apple didn't just add a browser to a mobile phone; its support of Web 2.0 standards makes Safari-fueled browsing a breeze.
Apple不仅仅是给手机添加了浏览器,它还支持Web 2.0标准,这可以轻而易举地用Safari方式浏览网络。
Web browsing and applications are where it's at, and with tools like jQuery mobile you can easily put a mobile-friendly face on your application.
Web浏览和应用才是手机的关键所在,拥有诸如jQuery Mobile这样的工具,就可以轻易地为您的应用程序创建一个移动友好界面。
When browsing the web, your smartphone also burns through power when it downloads mobile ads on websites. Installing an ad blocker will greatly extend battery life.
Saudi Arabia ordered mobile operators across the kingdom to halt BlackBerry services as of Friday while the UAE plans to shut down email, messaging and Web browsing on them starting in October.
The company said it is testing Web browsing software for personal computers, following a report earlier this week that it is planning to develop a mobile operating system.
The company said it is testing Web browsing software for personal computers, following a report earlier this week that it is planning to develop a mobile operating system.