There's a mock-up of the main street where the Goodwins go shopping.
However, do we need perfectly semantic code if we're only creating a mock-up?
I then tried out the concept on my then-7-year-old son, Philip, using my mock-up.
This would be a miserable UI for the real program, of course, but this is just a mock-up.
It is capped with a mock-up of the Ares I second stage, Orion capsule and launch abort system.
Still, it is often more natural to start with CSS, maybe from a visual mock-up of some sort.
Ikea’s 2040 mock-up kitchen features loads of new gadgets and gizmos to help us out in the domestic realm.
More than 640 kilometers, about 400 miles, from the ocean, a full-size mock-up sits next to a lake in Wuhan.
In this Photoshop web design tutorial, we're going to create a mock-up of a clean and modern-looking website.
Anthony, the graphic designer on our team was the one who had to produce the mock-up our client would show in Paris.
Even training on the ground in a mock-up module is deemed a transfer of technology and therefore subject to controls.
Storyboard User interface sketch-based flow through a portion of the proposed solution, using a mock-up of how the solution could look.
Why can't we accept the reality that we're not crafting the final product and simply spit out HTML and CSS that's "good enough" for mock-up purposes.
The next phase of research will use mock-up courts to see whether private views change when people join a jury and are required to discuss their opinions.
This girl then beckons him through the window of a mock-up train carriage, which not only broadcasts station announcements, but even shakes and rattles.
Prototyping is a more hands-on type of modeling that can involve a mock-up, test-of-principle, or actual working version of a specific area of the design.
The simulator is a mock-up of a shuttle cockpit, balanced on a hydraulic platform that is loaded with the same instruments and equipment of a real shuttle.
During that time, the Marines conducted a successful proof of concept at Dugway Proving Grounds in Utah, where they released bats over a mock-up of a Japanese city.
The new ship cost Royal Caribbean around $1 billion and has 20 restaurants, 17 bars and lounges, a walk through mock-up of New York’s Central Park and two rock-climbing walls.
Before the procedure, the engineers and technicians had trained with test runs, computer modeling and a mock-up of the instrument package. This is a critical mission operation.
A mock-up, then, is something you pungle together out of duct tape, chewing gum, paper clips, cardboard, and paint just to test a concept that you don't necessarily want to implement.
Two volunteers cut off from the rest world for eight months stepped out on a mock-up of Mars on Monday, reaching the dramatic half-way point of their experimental "voyage" to the Red Planet.
The plans are revealed the day before Miss Middleton appears on the cover of a special royal wedding edition of Tatler in a mock-up of Andy Warhol's famous 1962 Marilyn Monroe screen prints.
威廉王子的未婚妻米德尔顿登上Tatler杂志皇室婚礼特别版,她的造型模仿了AndyWarhol经典的1962年玛丽莲·梦露油画造型。 而就在准王妃上封面的前一天,有关这对新人的婚礼计划被公布了出来。
The plans are revealed the day before Miss Middleton appears on the cover of a special royal wedding edition of Tatler in a mock-up of Andy Warhol's famous 1962 Marilyn Monroe screen prints.
威廉王子的未婚妻米德尔顿登上Tatler杂志皇室婚礼特别版,她的造型模仿了AndyWarhol经典的1962年玛丽莲·梦露油画造型。 而就在准王妃上封面的前一天,有关这对新人的婚礼计划被公布了出来。