Creating a new modal dialog box.
This change replaces the modal dialog box shown in IE6.
I have a video that I'd like to play in a modal dialog.
A Modal Dialog object represents a movable floating view.
Modal Dialog对象表示一个可移动的浮动视图。
How to quit modal dialog window in selenium headless browser?
Shows the form as a modal dialog box with the specified owner.
Is there a name for the dimmed background behind a modal dialog?
Whether the dialog is modal (a modal dialog traps focus until the user closes the dialog.)
Modal progress bar. Was a progress bar is displayed in a modal dialog box progress bar.
When the user goes back to the program, the modal dialog box will still be there waiting.
Close the modal dialog box and then close the application or shut down the operating system.
openMenuItem will cause a fileDialog to appear (a modal dialog to open a locally stored Web page).
The difference between this lightbox treatment and a modal dialog is subtle, but the look is striking.
Figure 3 shows the generated form and Figure 4 shows how the modal dialog opens while selecting the ship.
图3显示生成的表单, 图4 显示用来选择船只的模态对话框。
Wizard style: How to close the current modal dialog and open the next modal dialog in the button handler?
It is also possible to create a system modal dialog box that brings every program in the system to a halt.
There are two types of dialog boxes: modal and modeless. Modal dialogs boxes are, by far, the most common variety.
The rigidly defined behavior of the modal dialog means that, although it may be abused, it will rarely be misunderstood.
They're too big to render as tooltips, and they're too separate from the rest of the application to make sense in a modal dialog.
A message box is a modal dialog box, which means no input (keyboard or mouse click) can occur except to objects on the modal form.
In interfaces that don't employ direct manipulation, such as some modal dialog boxes, the concept of selection isn't always needed.
The best way to create a new modal dialog box for Domino Web Access is to start with a form that implements an existing modal dialog box.
The biggest problem with notifications in Firefox 2 is that some of them force the user to answer a question using a modal dialog box.
When the user clicks the button, it will prompt the user to enter the required mail retention request information within a modal dialog box.
This all fits together logically, because the Undo function is unavailable if a modal dialog box is up, but is still usable with modeless ones.
In the edit scene, the Mail retention button launches a modal dialog box that allows the user to set a retention period and an approver (if required).
As we discussed in Chapter 21, the hallmark of bad interaction design is a user interface that consists primarily of control-laden modal dialog boxes.
As shown in Figure 2, Ext JS provides you with the ability to create modal dialog boxes for user input as well as the ability to implement a tabbed UI to maximize screen real estate.
Further, if the Close button actuates a function in addition to shutting the dialog, you have created a modal dialog box that should follow the conventions for the modal idiom instead.
Further, if the Close button actuates a function in addition to shutting the dialog, you have created a modal dialog box that should follow the conventions for the modal idiom instead.