Objective to analyze the single factor affecting prognosis of SARS, and to establish a model of regression analysis for multiple factors affecting the prognosis of the disease.
Certain sales volume prediction model established on the basis of regression analysis method has higher prediction precision to the types of commodity that closely related to the change of seasons.
He has used a tool of economic analysis, called a vector auto-regression model.
The stepwise regression analysis approach, which is used to classify the wear model of Ferrous metal in ship diesel, is discussed.
Finally, the results show the methods can effectively come into being regression analysis model of time-series data streams, and fulfill the prediction of future data streams.
The results from regression model further reinforce the findings of the causality analysis.
Objective In the regression analysis, the performance of the fit is up to the choice of the expectation function for the model.
Through regression analysis of models, this model proved to have good curve fitting characteristics, relatively high precision models.
Objective to relax linear assumption of explanatory variables in general linear model and explore more-dimensional spline regression analysis model.
This article demonstrates that deformation forecast will be performed by a comprehensive method of non linear regression model combined with time series analysis.
In this article, we discuss the interrelations between the various hygienic evaluation targets in market by means of linear regression analysis and differential equation model.
Then, stepwise regression analysis is used to select a best group of factors for the prediction of expressway incident duration, and the multiple linear regression model is established.
In addition, some information of the future value of random disturbance term in regression analysis is delivered by complex model, so that the forecasting accuracy is improved.
There are many complicated factors influencing the quantity of cultivated land, so a simple regression analysis can not achieve a satisfactory model.
The soil carbon density change model is based on regression analysis of the carbon densities of different soils.
Linear model is a vital class of statistical model which involves regression model, variance analysis model, covariance analysis model and mixed model etc.
This paper makes a positive analysis of the relation of revenue increase and economic growth in Guangxi province applying regression model, auto-regressive and dynamic distributed lag models.
The model of system loss model caused by wind resistance and bearing friction is established based on the regression analysis of flywheel's free brake curve.
This article researches the coefficient estimating problem of the linear regression model and the math analysis foundation of the least squares estimation applying in the coefficient estimating.
The correlation model of liquid-plastic limit has been built by regression analysis of experimental data of clayey soil in the east of Mudanjiang.
Second, the relational model between the complicated degree of small structure and geological influence factors is built by regression analysis.
The mathematic model of wear of cutter about molding finishing machining was founded by analysis of regression.
There are traditional model methods of forecasting short-term load, such as time series, regression analysis, and so on.
After quantitative index analysis of the continuous course score and enrollment types, a regression model is established to forecast after course study score.
According to the results of the regression analysis, we had built a path model of influences of parenting style, parent-adolescent communication on adolescents' mental health.
As the artificial neural network and stepwise regression analysis are respectively applied to the data of crude wax deposition experiment, the model of wax deposition velocity was established.
For subsonic aerodynamic analysis, Linearized Velocity Potential Theory is used to evaluate the aerodynamic coefficient, and we can get subsonic aerodynamic model of vehicle by Regression analysis.
With regression analysis, a mathematics model of both simple linear and multiple linear regressions were established.
By means of regression analysis of the wind tunnel test data from 50 model ships, a new method for calculating the wind coefficient of ships has been obtained.
The estimation of adjusted population attributable risk is 5.31% based on the multivariable logishc regression model analysis.