The discovery dials back the date when modern Homo sapiens was known to have started using paint.
They were thus contemporary with modern Homo sapiens, who originated in Africa about 200, 000 years ago.
They were thus contemporary with modern Homo sapiens, who originated in Africa about 200,000 years ago.
As modern Homo sapiens migrates to the online savannah, trends have been spreading to ever greater Numbers.
Studies of hunter - gatherers and tribal peoples give modern Homo sapiens our best look at who we are and who we can be as human beings.
What is beyond doubt is that Homo sapiens survived and turned to farming soon after the ice retreated, setting the stage for the rise of modern civilisation.
Homo sapiens males offer diamond rings and drive phallic cars to advertise their ability to provide, and Homo sapiens females in modern foraging societies unashamedly demand meat from their lovers.
The average size of modern humans - the Homo sapiens - has decreased about 10% during that period - from 1, 500 to 1, 359 cubic centimetres, the size of a tennis ball.
Our modern human species, 'homo sapiens' (' thinking man' in the Latin), evolved in Africa at least 150, 000 years ago.
Since 1987 molecular biologists have believed on the basis of DNA evidence that modern humans-homo sapiens-originated in Africa and then spread around the world.
Our modern human species, 'homo sapiens' (' thinking man' in the Latin), evolved in Africa at least 150,000 years ago.
Our modern human species, 'homo sapiens' (' thinking man' in the Latin), evolved in Africa at least 150,000 years ago.