Liu Fangtong. Modern Western Philosophy. Beijing: People Publishing House, 1990.
The overflow of relativism and skepticism contains a self-denial crisis in modern western philosophy.
The thinking pattern of anthropology behaves as a new mode in the modern western philosophy including Marxism.
A naturalist epistemological trend appears when the foundationalist logical empiricism has been examined by modern western philosophy.
Part one: The theme of the modern western philosophy is epistemology, that is to say, the identity of subject and object, thinking and being.
The thesis cites the philosophy of Kierkegaard, Nietzsche and Wittgenstein to analyze the relationship between Schopenhauer and modern western philosophy.
Modern western philosophy has gone through the transition from the criticism of metaphysics to the question on and negation of the value of philosophical existence.
This is a professional study on philosophy of history against the background of modern western philosophy of history, especially its latest development since 20th century.
The tradition of Self - Principle divided into the subjective "I" and the objective "me" in modern Western philosophy inevitably results in the impasse of Self - Recognition.
In modern Western philosophy and aesthetics subjectivity is gradually turning to intersubjectivity. In ancient China philosophy and aesthetics were originally intersubjective.
Theoretical boundary between existential philosophy and speculative philosophy is just the essential difference between the modern Western philosophy and contemporary philosophy.
It is generally understood that Marx's on Capital is a book on economics, but the article believes that it is a philosophical book which opens the door for modern western philosophy.
The process philosophy created by Alfred North Whitehead, an American philosopher, had an important effect on modern western philosophy with its arguing against traditional essentialism.
Under this background, modern western philosophy has also being affected deeply by mathematics, and these impacts are embodied in philosophical thoughts of rationalists: Descartes and Spinoza.
Further, it expounds the essence and significance of Karl Marx's philosophy from the perspective of negative relations between Karl Marx's philosophy and ancient and modern western philosophy.
This essay thinks that because of the long historical cause and the academic environment at that time, mathematics has deeply affected the philosophy, especially the modern western philosophy.
In the research of the problem about human in the modern western philosophy, the Frankfurt School holds a very important position. Undoubtedly, Marcuse is one of the most famous representatives.
How should come to understand modern western philosophy of science and scientific truth, is the scientific value of current scientific research and unavoidable epistemology is an important question.
Modern Western philosophy is the recessive noumenon inherited the traditional one, if the traditional noumenon is perceived as dominant noumenon, both of which belong to the narrowly defined noumenon.
By analyzing the phenomenon, the paper elucidates the root and meaning of modern turn of western philosophy.
Western modern philosophy began with self-reflection on ego or subject, and then philosophy changed from ontology to epistemology.
The western thinkers have tried to apprehend the Being of beings through being as being and civilized the subjective philosophy and modern science and technology.
西方传统的思想家们力图通过“是者之所是”来把握“在者之在” ,成就了主体哲学和现代科学技术;
It was the outcome of the western modern society and had its most system and deep expression in Hegel's philosophy.
Nietzsche, German philosopher in the latter of 19th century, was one VIP in the course when western modern philosophy transform into modern philosophy.
Symbolism is one form of western modern literature, which underscores the application of symbolism to the expressions of author's feelings and emotions and abstract life philosophy.
The western modernism novels is the combination of the modern non- reasonableness philosophy and modern psychologies.
Western philosophy has experienced three great changes the rise of ancient practical philosophy the prosperity of modern knowledge and the appearance of present linguistic philosophy.
Leibniz is the modern Germany guide of philosophy and one of modern western thinkers who paid close attention to and concentrated on the Chinese culture and were fruitful.
Leibniz is the modern Germany guide of philosophy and one of modern western thinkers who paid close attention to and concentrated on the Chinese culture and were fruitful.