Equipped with the advance instruments such as fiber fineness, halogen moisture analyzer, our lab can test the fiber content quickly and accurately.
The electronic moisture analyzer and the constant temperature and humidity equipments were used to study the influences of humidity to alfalfa drying velocity.
In view of the present situation, in this paper, a new moisture analyzer which combines infrared drying oven and electronic balance is proposed takes DSP as the information processing unit.
The analyzer can be also used to measure the moisture of many substances, such as tobacco, paper, flour and tea.
The relationship between the moisture content in different textile materials and the shielding efficiency and power absorption of microwave was studied with self-made waveguide-network analyzer.
Pyrolysis experiments of three rice straw samples with different moisture content were conducted using a TG-MS analyzer. The effect of moisture content on pyrolysis behavior was studied.
Pyrolysis experiments of three rice straw samples with different moisture content were conducted using a TG-MS analyzer. The effect of moisture content on pyrolysis behavior was studied.