In rotation, force becomes torque, mass becomes moment of inertia, and acceleration becomes angular acceleration.
And so all we have to do now is to calculate the moment of inertia of the system, and then we can predict what the period — of this pendulum is going to be — which is not my goal.
I will ask you for a moment of inertia for some weird line or something like that. OK, but these you should know.
So we now have a way of calculating the kinetic energy of rotation provided that we know how to calculate the moment of inertia.
We have the mass of the sun, we have the radius of the sun so you can calculate the moment of inertia of the sun.
Torque divided by moment of inertia is what will cause the angular acceleration, namely the derivative of angular velocity.
For the moment of inertia, we want the square of a distance to the axis of rotation.
It has to do, of course, with the moment of inertia, but again, it's independent of mass, radius and length.
I mean, there are some spokes here, but let's assume that everything is here, so then the moment of inertia is MR squared.
I am using fancy words today. And the moment of inertia — the difference with a mass is that the moment of inertia is defined about some axis.You choose an axis.
But it's completely different, the moment of inertia, if you rotated it about this axis.
What is the moment of inertia for rotation of a rod about this axis?
How hard it is to spin something, on the other hand, is given by its moment of inertia.
So, of course, the moment of inertia is extremely modest compared to the sun, because the radius is so small and the moment of inertia goes with the radius squared.
If I know the moment of inertia, then I know how much rotational kinetic energy there is.
Needless to say, that the moment of inertia depends on what kind of object you have.
And that's a very easy thing to apply, and that allows you now in many cases, to find the moment of inertia in situations which are not very symmetric.
If we have a solid cylinder, then the moment of inertia about this axis Q through the center of mass, which I've called Q, equals 1/2 MR squared.
While gyro and trail effects can contribute to stability, other factors such as the distribution of mass and the bike's moment of inertia can play a role as well.
1/2I So this can also be written as one-half I, C I put a C there you will see shortly why, because the moment of inertia depends upon which axis of rotation I choose times omega squared.
OK, so moment of inertia about the z axis so, what's the distance to the z axis?
So it is bMg divided by the moment of inertia about that point P.
And so I know now I can substitute that in there rMg so I get an omega precession now equals rMg times the moment of inertia.
For example, the moment of inertia about the z-axis is dV the triple integral of x squared plus y squared density dV.
By optimization design on the configuration and electromagnetism parameters, the output torque can be effectively enhanced with lower moment of inertia and faster response characteristics.
The pan driving motor assembled on the foundation. Thus this can reduce tilt's moment of inertia and increase the platform's agility.
Conservation of angular momentum, moment of inertia, parallel axis theorem.
It is demonstrated that the influence of fluid resistance can not be neglected and the effect of moment of inertia of plate may be cancelled.
It is demonstrated that the influence of fluid resistance can not be neglected and the effect of moment of inertia of plate may be cancelled.