The current monetary policy is strangling the economy.
Some countries tighten monetary policy to avoid inflation.
The other but more commonly used monetary policy is to change the rate to effectively alter the rate of interest on deposits.
The central bank says that it will soak up the cash, for instance, by selling instruments of its own, so monetary policy will not be loosened.
As global markets continue to see-saw on the verge of another recession, central banks across the world face a difficult balancing act of monetary policy.
Hence the analogy that likens the conduct of monetary policy to driving a car with a blackened windscreen, a cracked rear-view mirror and a faulty steering wheel.
Hence the analogy that likens the conduct of monetary policy to driving a car with a blackened windscreen, a cracked rear-view mirror and a faulty steering wheel.
Much of the language used to describe monetary policy, such as "steering the economy to a soft landing" or "a touch on the brakes", makes it sound like a precise science.
To regain control over its monetary policy China needs to let the yuan rise.
to provide secretarial services to the Monetary Policy Committee of the PBC.
In Britain, Adam Posen, on the Monetary Policy Committee, urges more action.
在英国,货币政策委员会的成员Adam Posen正在呼吁采取进一步的行动。
Third, many emerging economies have tightened monetary policy in response to high inflation.
And a country cannot control its monetary policy unless it accepts a more flexible exchange rate.
Petrol prices have slipped in the past three weeks as monetary policy has tightened in emerging markets.
The union has a single currency and monetary policy, but each of its 16 members has its own fiscal policy.
Rowth has been slower than it otherwise would have been thanks to tighter than necessary fiscal and monetary policy.
The monetary policy committee must change both the content of its inflation report and the way it thinks about its job.
Removing some of the current fiscal stimulus is likely to reduce the work that monetary policy will otherwise need to do.
But it is not clear whether quantitative easing on its own changes people's expectations of monetary policy and inflation.
The monetary policy committee surprised the City last week when it slashed borrowing costs by 1.5 percentage points to 3%.
So dollar bears may be right about the direction of America's economy, but wrong about the consequences for monetary policy.
The Fed's classic mistake that led to the Great Depression was that it tightened monetary policy when it should have eased.
The reserve ratio is sometimes used as a tool in monetary policy, influencing the country's economy, borrowing, and interest rates.
No wonder Mr Bernanke likes to discuss his options for tightening monetary policy; they are better than his options for easing.
The timing of Mr Mantega's announcement-the day before the monetary policy committee started its deliberations-raised some eyebrows.
But the unpredictable effects of such operations mean they will not be the principal method by which the Fed tightens monetary policy.
Yet early signs of growth will generate pressure to tighten monetary policy which Mr Bernanke must beat back without seeming soft on inflation.
Yet early signs of growth will generate pressure to tighten monetary policy which Mr Bernanke must beat back without seeming soft on inflation.