Europe's monetary system is falling apart.
payment balances ,clean and dirty floats ,and the International Monetary System .
The European Monetary System and the Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) are created.
The dollar and treasury bonds and bills play a central role in the world monetary system.
With a sound currency, everyone is better off, not just those who control the monetary system.
THIS week the Economist asked: "What should replace the Bretton Woods 2 monetary system?"
But the euro experiment has also brought us to a crossroads in the whole international monetary system.
In recent years, the international monetary system failed to promote timely and orderly economic adjustments.
We do however know where it is leading and that any attempts to support the old monetary system will fail.
Righting them will require wholesale reform both of financial regulation and of the entire global monetary system.
The shape of any monetary system is constrained by what is often called the “trilemma” of international economics.
The long-term strength of the dollar will only be weakened by maintaining the Fed's monopoly on our monetary system.
Mr.Tanaka and the American banker continue their discussion of the financial and monetary system of the United States.
Even thepresident of the World Bank, Robert Zoellick, has just called for restoring arole for gold in the monetary system.
The dollar emerged at the center of the monetary system that took its name from the 1944 convention in Bretton Woods, N.H.
1944年,在美国新罕布什尔州布雷顿森林( Bretton Woods N.H.)召开的会议确立了美元在以此地命名的货币体系中的中心地位。
Bob Dillon, a banker from the United States, is talking with a Japanese banker about the financial and monetary system in Japan.
That is because gold was once the linchpin of the global monetary system and is still seen by many as a hedge against inflation.
While I generally understand the way foreign exchange markets work,I am not sure exactly what the International Monetary System is.
A country that had just lost the trust of investors in its fiscal rectitude could scarcely build a credible monetary system from scratch.
All told, the fear is that America's activism in fighting financial distress will create dangerous instability in the global monetary system.
Iwao Tanaka, making his first business trip to the United States, is talking to an American banker about the financial and monetary system of the U.S..
"The existing international monetary system is out-of-date," said Wang Jianye, chief economist of the Export-Import Bank of China and former IMF economist.
Remaining disagreements fall on that whether the current international monetary system has a problem and whether the problem should be resolved from this Angle.
The conventional wisdom seems to be that the monetary system we have now is sound and beyond reproach, and certainly better than any system that preceded it.
We welcome the current discussion about the role of the SDR in the existing international monetary system including the composition of SDR's basket of currencies.
Due to the inherent drawbacks of this international monetary system, the so-called "global imbalance" in international trade is bound to arise. What's the reason?
We believe that the birth of the Euro will help advance the process of European integration and establish a more balanced international financial and monetary system.
We believe that the birth of the Euro will help advance the process of European integration and establish a more balanced international financial and monetary system.