Private universities are money-making institutions.
The aim of course is not really to spread the sport for its own sake, but to increase the number of people interested in the major money-making events.
Now, eight of the fifteen most money-making cartoon films in Japanese history are made by Studio Ghibli.
It is no longer just a hobby or a side project or a money-making scheme.
But in some ways social networks are uniquely engineered as money-making machines.
Promoted Trending Topics are the latest Twitter money-making idea being tested out.
And if the passenger Numbers do not increase, there is an obvious money-making fallback.
People have been dragged, since the 1980s, into a time-consuming nationwide money-making competition.
With summer jobs in short supply, more young people are pursuing money-making opportunities in Web fantasy worlds.
When it is handled by experienced firms that specialise in it, televised sport can be a powerful money-making machine.
Another is the special skill involved in packaging and delivering attractive (money-making) energy efficiency projects.
Scientists will today give Banks a new tool for gauging the money-making prowess of financial traders - the lengths of their fingers.
Besides, news Corporation has plenty of money-making TV networks in America which are more than capable of supporting its newspapers.
With this strategy, Mr Palmisano managed to turn IBM into a money-making machine, with huge cash reserves and a soaring share price.
The Point was not intended to be a big money-making enterprise, and by one early employee's account, that was fine with most of the staff.
Advertising is at the heart of most Internet success stories. But in some ways social networks are uniquely engineered as money-making machines.
A startup's founders may lose interest, leave when they graduate, or just need to grow up a little before embarking on a money-making venture.
Even if the blog itself doesn't generate a six-figure salary, it can lead to other money-making opportunities, such as consulting or speaking gigs.
Mr Palmisano turned IBM into a money-making machine.Lately however, Wall Street analysts have started to question whether it can maintain its breakneck growth.
Besides the huge monthly stipends that every Saudi royal receives, the cables detail various money-making schemes some royals have used to finance their lavish lifestyles over the years.
Now they are making money on that generation’s fears, and it is not just computerized flash card makers with the money-making ideas. Doctors and geneticists have also tapped into the market.
Having belatedly grasped the money-making potential of web-search, Mr Semel then bought Inktomi, another search engine, and in 2003 he bought Overture, the pioneer of paid-search advertising.
But for now, most participants are more interested in signs that Wall Street is back on track as a money-making machine, whatever the legal and public-relations woes of some firms from past actions.
Movies are all about making money these days.
We have stopped making desktops because no one is making money from them.
An independent study found that the owners are not as badly off as they say, and most are making money.
If making money is your daydream and losing money your nightmare, if poverty is your worst fear and making money your most fervent prayer, you have missed the opportunity for education.
If making money is your daydream and losing money your nightmare, if poverty is your worst fear and making money your most fervent prayer, you have missed the opportunity for education.