When you buy a house, you borrow the money and you pay it back in fixed — it would usually be monthly, but let's say annual payments.
At least, you are making use of your money, and hopefully deriving value and pleasure from it.
Take your money with you, you can buy a bed for it and clothes for many years.
You know that feeling of finding a $20 bill in your pants and it feels like free money?
Snoring makes you poorer—and we're not just talking about the money your partner spends on earplugs.
If you wore yellow, that supposedly enhances your chances for abundance and earning more money.
If you never record DVDs, you can save money by buying a cheaper combo drive, which plays both DVDs and CDs but records only the latter.
如果你从不刻录DVD,那么你可以省些钱买比较便宜的combo驱动器,它可以播放 DVD和CD,但是只能刻录 CD。
You can use it in exactly the same way as your present card, and the Plus sign means you can take money from your account at even more cash machines.
Come back here within a couple of days and I hope to have more money for you!
If you are paying for quality, something will last you longer and then save you money.
If you lack money, take this purse, I beg of you, and bribe the servants to let you pass.
The police in the UK never take money, and if you try to offer them some, you could end your holiday visiting British prison.
I know that I spent four cents to get you and I want my money back.
If you drop that into a piggy bank and then once a year put $1,434 in a savings account at 1% interest rate, you will have your trip money.
If you drop that into a piggy bank and then once a year put $1,434 in a savings account at 1% interest rate after-tax, you will have your trip money.
If you're on the phone with this guy all the time and you sniff something out, you can maybe stop lending him money.
If you are making a long distance call on a public telephone and run out of money, give the number on your phone to the person you're talking to. Then hang up the receiver and he can call you back.
You may be happy to buy imitation leather, and then again, you may wonder what you're getting for your money.
You have 14 days in which you can cancel the contract and get your money back.
Don't overspend on your home and expect to get the money back when you sell.
Just to give you an example of his generosity—he gave me his old car and wouldn't take any money for it.
To those Americans for whom money is a concern, my advice is simple: Buy what you can afford, and cook it yourself.
When she told the millionaire that he had forty two million dollars, he was wild with joy and asked, "How much money do you want?"
They purposefully make you feel like less of a person so you'll buy their stuff and they'll make money.
So being an ethical shopper really means thinking a bit before you go and spend your money in the shops.
To save money and still eat well you don't need local organic ingredients; all you need is real food.
And to save money and still eat well you don't need local organic ingredients; all you need is real food.
There are other local facilities such as post offices where you can save your money and have access to affordable low cost loans.
If making money is your daydream and losing money your nightmare, if poverty is your worst fear and making money your most fervent prayer, you have missed the opportunity for education.
We didn't have much money but it didn't matter, and there was plenty of opportunity to do whatever you felt like doing.