Jones will sell fish for the money commodity, and will then "sell" the money in exchange for wheat, shoes, tractors, entertainment, or whatever.
But money is becoming less of a commodity and more of a scarce merchandise.
JPMorgan Chase is to close the commodity unit that trades with the bank's own money as Wall Street moves to comply with new US financial services rules banning proprietary trading.
Money is always circulating from one pocket to another. Without the commodity transfer to meet folks' needs, the existence of money as a medium is unnecessary.
With global growth slowing sharply, prices for nickel, aluminum and other commodity exports also have plunged, sharply cutting the flow of money into Russia's economy.
The combination of loose money, volatile commodity markets and poor harvests - such as occurred recently in India - could make 2010 another dangerous year for food prices in poor countries.
Russian companies sold a record $33bn in shares in 2007 , while bountiful reserves of oil, gas and coal and soaring commodity prices have brought money pouring into the coffers.
When he started out, people just saw animals as a commodity, a way to make money.
But once a money is established on the market, then every single exchange includes the money-commodity as one of its two commodities.
As a result, every price will be reckoned simply in terms of its "money-price, " its price in terms of the common money-commodity.
In some futures markets, she says, the amount of money in play at any one time can be "35 or 40 times" the value of the entire stocks of that commodity available in the world.
The last thing the vendors want is to see their (crazy money making) babies turned into commodity software again.
Google is known for spending sizable amounts of money on infrastructure, even when they were some of the first to perform and perfect server scaling using clusters of commodity-class x86 PCs.
众所周知,Google总是在基础设施建设上花费大量的财力,他们甚至还是第一批使用X86 PC机集群技术来实现执行和完善服务器集群的公司。
However, in the tide of commodity economy today, it seems that more and more people believe in money at the sacrifice of honesty.
Commodity money is money that takes the form of a commodity with intrinsic value.
For all its disadvantages, commodity money (gold) was at least tethered to reality by a real cost of production.
The massive increase in money supplies around the world will spur inflation through commodity-market speculation and inflation expectations in wage setting.
We look at the functions of money. Firstly it's a medium of exchange, so it's some commodity which facilitates the exchange of goods and services.
货币是用作交易媒介、储藏价值和记帐单位的一种工具,是专门在物资与服务交换中充当等价物的特殊商品。接下来小编为大家整理了货币的作用是什么,希望对你有帮助哦! 鹪。
There Jiangnan region Bureaucrat family use the convenient traffic, gathered a great deal of money, while transport facilities for painting itself as a commodity has played a greater deal of space.
Under this operation, the investment bank will make markets in foreign exchange, money markets, commodity markets, etc., and maintain a secondary market for previously issued securities.
Dimes with exactly 10 cents worth of silver would be commodity money.
The rumor says this commodity is going to catch on soon, but you can't take it seriously, or you will lose a big sum of money.
The rumor says this commodity is going to catch on soon, but you can't take it seriously, or you will lose a big sum of money.