It seems counterintuitive that those with the least money should be consuming more calories.
People tend to move up the food chain as their incomes rise, consuming more meat than they might have when they made less money, the experts said.
The reason I am minimalist is because it really makes my life better, and by consuming less, I have more time and money to help others in need too.
Anything else is a bonus, but the amount of time and money absorbed by this show into a packed and frantic four days for exhibitors has become all-consuming.
To be sure, if I had the money to pay for Teresa to attend an international school, I probably would not have opted for such a time-consuming method.
If this is your instinctive reaction, note that the only thing more boring and time - and money-consuming than getting this right at the start is the nasty mess you'll find if you get it wrong.
Researchers from the American Chemical Society in Washington have discovered that the practice of consuming cocaine through rolled up paper money is far more than just a cinematic cliché.
来自华盛顿美国化学协会(American Chemical Society)的研究员们发现,人们通过卷美钞吸食可卡因的做法绝不只在电影中出现。
People have been dragged, since the 1980s, into a time-consuming nationwide money-making competition.
Pharmaceutical companies spend large sums of money in the time-consuming research and development of new drugs and the new classes of drugs.
It is a very time-consuming activity, and if you are not much of a writer it will cost some money to have someone write articles for you.
The programming secondly, consuming is relatively poor, the behavior spending money blindly often happens, both have impulsion and have a reason time consumption.
In point of consuming money, this correct concept not only helps realize that money is a medium for gaining happiness but also calls for healthy consumption.
But just how important is money to Beckham and is he really the all-consuming squanderer that many perceive him to be?
Is it possible to make clothes with clothes of same texture but different colours, so that it would be less time-consuming and what's more, it could save a lot of money for you?
After listening to his story, the father thought, "one day I'll follow my son as he goes out, and see who's been consuming his things and leaving the money in the bin."
But graduate school is costly, time consuming and requires a lot of in-depth study, and also parents will lay down more money and Banks will supply more student loans.
Pleasure and peril coexisted in hunting. So some emperors issued relevant laws. Hunting was money-consuming.
Since revisions, small and large, are a time-consuming and an integral part of the art production workflow, computer programs like Photoshop save time and money.
Those traditional assays have no in parallel, can't be simultaneously carried out, and are time, money and energy consuming.
Those traditional assays have no in parallel, can't be simultaneously carried out, and are time, money and energy consuming.