We drew up a schedule of payments for the rest of the monies owed.
There needs to be appropriated monies for this.
There needs to be a appropriated monies for this.
These monies can be subtracted from Party b's final salary.
Imagine having a universal charge card and you have many many monies and credits on it.
If there were any issue of additional monies, the estate lawyers would have been consulted.
Treasury bills are quite clearly "near monies" and they can be bought and sold on the market.
Harder to raise, such monies are nonetheless more useful to poor countries than earmarked dollars.
"Monies were paid to keep him happy, so he wouldn't do his job and look over their shoulders," Maloney said.
Japan had long been viewed as the inferior nation looking to its Asian neighbor for monies as well as culture.
Delos's representatives are not entitled to collect monies due unless they are explicitly authorized to do so.
Mentor's representatives are not entitled to collect monies due unless they are explicitly authorized to do so.
Public institutions will survive these cutbacks because state monies will continue to underwrite operating expenses.
If I am asked, could you give from the UJA (United Jewish Appeal) monies to rescue Jews, I say, no and I say again no!
But as that trend has slowed, the HTF has suffered: monies paid into the HTF fell by around one-seventh from 2007 to 2010.
The theory of purchasing-power parity (PPP) implies that high-inflation currenciesshould depreciate, relative to harder monies.
Capitalism. It is in no way honored by spending billions of dollars of tax monies to put a piece of painted metal on the moon.
You will need to exchange your dollars, pounds, or other currency for the colorful monies of Sweden in order to have cash to spend.
Those Africans who live there and regularly send monies home are less likely to be in a position to send home these monies," he said.
No dividend shall be paid otherwise than out of profits or out of monies otherwise available for dividend in accordance with the Law.
After all, if you no longer believe in the Tooth Fairy, you shouldn’t expect to continue receiving monies under your pillow from a winged woman.
These include: announcements, special orders and a series of procedures that are to pump monies quickly into the "starved" economies of your globe.
But Greece, Spain and Ireland don't have that option - they don't even have their own monies, and in any case they need deflation to get their costs in line.
MICS retains the right to cancel summer school due to insufficient enrolments. If summer school is cancelled, all monies and payments will be refunded.
When any of the circumstances specified in the first paragraph of this Article ceases to exist, the fund manager shall promptly pay the redemption monies.
When any of the circumstances specified in the first paragraph of this Article ceases to exist, the fund manager shall promptly pay the redemption monies.