One day, our teacher had each of us race across the monkey bars, swinging from one rung to the next.
I had to pry her, screaming and crying, from the monkey bars.
Climbing on the monkey bars, I don't know if that's a sport though, CUTE!
爬上猴子杠,我不知道那算不算是运动。可爱! !
Nobody wants to play with a fat kid who can't run properly or do a waterfall on the monkey bars.
Once kids get big enough to reach the monkey bars on their own, your job is to stand back and watch them go.
When I am on the playground years from now, watching my son take a fall from the monkey bars, I might not panic.
Josh doing a running cartwheel, jumping up and catching the monkey bars, and pulling himself rapidly across hand-over-hand.
"I grew up on the monkey bars in Fort Tryon Park, and I never forgot how good it felt to get to the top of them," Mr. Stern said.
“I grew up on the monkey bars in Fort Tryon Park, and I never forgot how good it felt to get to the top of them, ” Mr. Stern said.
I didn't want to see that playground bowdlerized. I said that as long as I was parks commissioner, those monkey bars were going to stay.
Sitting alone and confused she didn't know what to do. Beth sat high on the monkey bars crying. How can her future husband just leave like that?
Often you can find a set of monkey bars low enough to bonk your own head on, or better yet, low enough that your child can reach them from the ground.
In second grade, our teacher lined up my class on the playground and had each of us race across the monkey bars, swing from one High rod to the next.
Because of height limitations, no one's building the old monkey bars anymore, but kids can go up smaller climbing walls and rope nets and artificial rocks.
It looks like a kids' playground, with parallel bars, hanging rings, balls to throw, monkey bars, and various other structures that will be used in his physical patterning.
It looks like a kids' playground, with parallel bars, hanging rings, balls to throw, monkey bars, and various other structures that will be used in his physical patterning.