A test should be performed on the monovalent bulk to verify its identity.
Halogen atoms contain seven electrons in their valence shell, and, consequently, are monovalent.
In the formula (1), R1 represents benzyl group or phenoxy methyl and m represents monovalent cation.
Libraries of monovalent compounds can be reacted with each other to give libraries of bivalent ones.
This invention relates to monovalent and multivalent, monospecific antibodies and to multivalent, multi...
Much plan the product is monovalent, can cause company profit empty to add, pay enterprise income tax more thereby.
Does the Ji Nan City Huai Yin District Hua Lian vicinity unit dormitory make the monovalent number of house angry pair?
Because CSL's seasonal and H1N1 monovalent vaccines contain a small amount of egg protein, they should not be administered to anyone allergic to eggs or egg products.
From the radial distribution function theory of molten salts, a three-dimensional statistical model was suggested for binary salt solutions, containing monovalent ions only.
Results All of 200 monovalent pools passed the test for inactivation before preparation of final bulk. The higher content of HA in monovalent pools could affect viral inactivation.
The lymphocyte transformation stimulating index and IL-2 level induced by HB-BCG combined vaccine were significantly higher than those induced by monovalent HB or BCG vaccine(P<0.001).
We also administered a challenge dose of monovalent type 1 oral poliovirus vaccine at 7 months and collected stool samples before and 7 days after administration of the challenge dose.
The area occupied by the monovalent exchange cation in the lattice layer of the montmorillonite and the determination ways of layer charge are presented. The different ways are compared.
The success in Niger and Egypt is the result of intense efforts in 2004-05 to halt Africa’s polio epidemic and fast-track the introduction of monovalent polio vaccines into selected areas.
The success in Niger and Egypt is the result of intense efforts in 2004-05 to halt Africa’s polio epidemic and fast-track the introduction of monovalent polio vaccines into selected areas.