A trait or disease is called heritable if monozygotic twins are more similar to each other than dizygotic twins.
The morbidity of the living fetus was markedly increased in single fetal in 12~34weeks or those in monozygotic twins.
Objectives: Genotype phenotype correlation in 2 pairs of monozygotic twins with ARVC and the role of environmental factors are analyzed.
Notice to twin studies on the disease with the disease monozygotic twins than dizygotic twins rate of 4 to 6 times the height of the foster child as well.
有关孪生子的研究预告,本病单卵孪生的同病率比双卵孪生一般高4 ~6倍,寄养子也是如此。
In addition, more information about the cause of monozygotic twins could be collected in the future by a straightforward check of the Numbers of placentas and sacs when the babies are born.
While the effect of IGF on the ovaries likely involves fraternal, or dizygotic, twins, they were not distinguished from identical, or monozygotic, pregnancies in this study.
While the effect of IGF on the ovaries likely involves fraternal, or dizygotic, twins, they were not distinguished from identical, or monozygotic, pregnancies in this study.