Many common words, such as the names for the days of the week and the months of the year, also come from mythology.
Parliament sits for less than six months of the year.
The regional road was in such bad shape that access to the main towns was impossible for about three months of the year.
There are other tricks to assist with dates in the first months of the year—for example, the last day of February is always an anchor day, leap year or no.
Cons: Hurricane-strength winds four months of the year.
Its net income for the first nine months of the year rose 83% to 126 million yuan.
They ranked as the top volume leaders for Mercedes-Benz in the first nine months of the year.
But most of that moisture is gone by the middle or end of the hottest months of the year.
Especially in the warmer months of the year, employees take advantage of more relaxed dress codes.
The weather here is, not surprisingly, bitterly cold; the sea freezes nine months of the year.
The US's outlook for the final three months of the year was -3, down from -2 for the third quarter.
今年最后3个月美国的前景指数从第3季度的- 2降到-3。
As you know, two thirds of the country goes underwater for about four to six months of the year.
An impressive 258,000 people contributed to Mr Obama's campaign in the first six months of the year.
Revenues in the first nine months of the year fell by 13% to $4.7 billion and profits by 38% to $445m.
A slowdown in Mexican loans in the first three months of the year has hit BBVA's profits in the region.
He does feel guilty about his air-conditioning use, but for six months of the year it's over 90 degrees.
India's economic growth rate slowed again in the first three months of the year, to 7.8% year on year.
Which brings me to the main point of today's post: how to stay hydrated during the hottest months of the year.
The company said that during the first three months of the year, margins for coal operators hit "historic lows".
In the first two months of the year, McAfee shares dropped 19 percent while Symantec shares climbed 2 percent.
China surpassed the United States as the top destination of Japanese goods in the first six months of the year.
Domestic deposits were down in four of the first six months of the year, including a particularly steep drop in June.
Real final sales—GDP minus inventory changes—surged ahead at a 7.1% annual rate in the last three months of the year.
During the first five months of the year, the number of overnight stays by foreign visitors in French hotels fell by 15.5%.
Paradoxically, its residents face water shortages, since there is generally no rain for nearly eight months of the year.
Commonly, during cooler months of the year, surface winds blow off shore, or essentially west to east, in northeastern Honshu.
During the rainy season, the power plant should churn out 11233 megawatts, but that only accounts for three months of the year.
In fact, most employers fill job openings at the same pace, or even an increased pace, during the hottest months of the year.
In fact, most employers fill job openings at the same pace, or even an increased pace, during the hottest months of the year.