Must have one kind of impetus key position in a people's country, this is a moral excellence.
The pain of failure had led me to understand that technical excellence was a moral requirement.
We must find out the moral excellence in music art and make good use of its value and serve the moral construction.
To strengthen the aesthetic forming of moral environment is an inevitable demand to develop family moral excellence.
It helps raising the modern citizen morals level through its role of instruction on common courtesy, occupational ethics and family moral excellence construction.
It helps raising the modern citizen morals level through its role of instruction on common courtesy, occupational ethics and family moral excellence construction.
A civilized word has its profound connotation, talking the topic which the civilization also we mentions frequently is. The civilized language is one kind of moral excellence.
A civilized word has its profound connotation, talking the topic which the civilization also we mentions frequently is. The civilized language is one kind of moral excellence.