Some people think that rating agencies have allowed a kind of moral hazard to creep into their organization.
If institutions perceive that they can count on being bailed out during crises, they will be more willing to risk insolvency in future-creating a so-called moral hazard.
Moral hazard may be exaggerated: if you are in trouble, you want the trouble to be bad enough to require rescue.
In the first weeks of the crunch he refused to pump cash into the financial system and insisted that "moral hazard" meant that some Banks should not be bailed out.
The problem with long-term risks, also, is that anything that we do to mitigate these risks creates moral hazard.
As a consequence, these Banks may be more likely to make risky investments, a concept described by Kenneth Arrow (1972) and Joseph Stiglitz (2001) as moral hazard.
Mr Barro thinks it is a case of "moral hazard" : if people are insured against a risk such as joblessness, they will try less hard to escape it.
By eliminating banks with captive capital, investors do not have to worry about moral hazard and uneven playing fields that develop when banks have too much power.
Germans still fret about moral hazard: a bail-out wouldmean that Greece gets away with years of irresponsible fiscal policyand could set a bad precedent for other euro delinquents.
Now bank of England chief Mervyn King wants to split up Banks "too big to fail" and talks about his concern over the "moral hazard" problem of bailouts.
I've got three main reasons, they're: adverse selection, moral hazard, and liquidity.
Depositors' losses served as a lesson in moral hazard.
Paying people to stay out of work is an example of that increasingly familiar phenomenon, "moral hazard", but moral hazard can be more fearsome in the theorist's imagination than it is in reality.
While moral hazard makes insurance more expensive and less efficient, many insurance markets work well enough to be useful.
Stricter dispensing guidelines for doctors and pharmacists might help deal with the moral hazard of overtreatment.
Embedded contingent capital provides a means to address many of the problems related to moral hazard and market discipline, with less complexity.
Even if it staves off disaster, the bail-out will cause huge problems. It creates moral hazard: such a visible safety net encourages risky behaviour.
Noam Scheiber offers further critique, proposing that the moral hazard problem might have even been greater if Long-Term Capital Management had been allowed to go under.
Less than a week before, its governor, Mervyn king, had said such moves risked stoking "moral hazard".
Less than a week before, its governor, Mervyn king, had said such moves risked stoking "moral hazard".