The Chief Rabbi warned that secular Europe is at risk, however, because its moral relativism can easily be defeated by fundamentalists.
In a pluralistic society of values school moral education is facing the challenge of moral relativism.
Here's one that's actually lots of people do think is persuasive We must respect all moral beliefs, therefore moral relativism is true.
Moral relativism, cloaked in jargon, was on the march, promoted by the tedious, despicable know-alls of the supposedly educated classes.
If moral relativism is true, morality can be regarded as a tool, and we can think about what we'd like that tool to do for us and revise morality accordingly.
Moral absolutism is sometimes contrasted with moral relativism and typified-although thereby also oversimplified-by such phrases as "right is right and wrong is wrong."
The reason that is a self sealing argument is that is a moral absolute, that we must respect all moral beliefs you cannot derive a moral relativism from a moral absolute.
Whether you credit Mad Men (2007-2015) or Breaking Bad (2008-2013), TV's recent Renaissance began with a literal interpretation of moral relativism: Man is the measure of all things.
无论你是否对《广告狂人》(2007- 2015)或《绝命毒师》(2008 - 2013)赞誉有加,(你都不能否认)近期电视荧屏的复兴始于对道德相对论的文学解读:男性是衡量万物的唯一准则。
Allegation: Relativism entails that moral debates are senseless, since everyone is right.
Allegation: Relativism doesn't allow moral progress.
The acknowledgment of exception in moral norms will not lead to relativism.
The acknowledgment of exception in moral norms will not lead to relativism.