The miser in the story is really wealthy, but he is extremely poor in moral sense.
The most important argument for a broad education is that in studying the accumulated wisdom of the ages, we improve our moral sense.
A part of me is conservative, and I think that having moral sense is very important.
The fundamental matter lies in that economic man's altruism is not one in moral sense.
By the time humans came around, evolution had forged a pretty firm foundation for a moral sense.
Her images are precise and true to life, and they reflect her own sharp wit and moral sense.
The principle of sympathy is an important path by which moral sense arise and produce effects.
Jonathan Haidt of the University of Virginia argues that this moral sense is like our sense of taste.
Content includes true or false in meaning, good or evil in moral sense, beautiful or ugly in artistic aspect.
He seems to have had some sort of intuitive moral sense that it was time for some bank to pay for its mistakes.
When economic agents behave in a moral sense, some cost and price must be paid and cost-benefit be analyzed as well.
Nietzsche describes the moralization of the word should inflict which are ambiguous between the moral and pre moral sense.
The moral sense of shame, like general moral regulations, can not be separated from the inner feeling of the subject.
The poem Changshixing of the han Dynasty is probably one of the earliest Chinese poems expressing a moral sense of time.
In commenting on Dimmesdale, it is not adequate just to touch him in social and historical values as well as in moral sense.
The strong moral sense, the vivid folk style, and the trenchant anti-modernism distinguish him from other novelists of the time.
But the most important argument for a broad education is that in studying the accumulated wisdom of the ages, we improve our moral sense.
Doubtless the first answer to occur to mind is because savages are savages; being of low-grade intelligence and perhaps defective moral sense.
Note that one can feel ashamed even if no one else knows what one has done; a lively moral sense is enough to make one ashamed in complete privacy.
Network culture exerts unfavorable influences on students' value-orientation, moral sense, emotional communication and psychological health etc.
I believe that justice is instinct and innate; the moral sense is as much a part of our constitution as the threat of feeling, seeing and hearing.
On the one hand, promises such as “I’ll return your book next week” or “I won’t tell anyone” are not heavily binding, except maybe in a moral sense.
Bellow has a strong sense of morality, so his works demonstrate a strong moral sense, ethical optimism and rejection of the denigration of human life.
Bellow has a strong sense of morality, so his works demonstrate a strong moral sense, ethical optimism and rejection of the denigration of human life.