Senator McCain is campaigning on a plan to give more tax breaks to corporations.
It's not a question usually asked: the received wisdom, supported by research and backed by campaigning groups, is that the more cyclists there are, the safer the roads become for everyone.
The report has been cited by people campaigning for a more vegetable-based diet, including Sir Paul McCartney.
Analysts said they expect the next 4 weeks of campaigning to force both Rousseff and Serra to provide more details about the policies they would enact if elected.
She is so popular that some congressional candidates have expressed more excitement at the prospect of campaigning with her than with her husband。
After the huge public campaigning efforts of the 1980s, we have let a generation of young people grow up ignorant - more than a third say they cannot recall ever seeing an advert on the infection.
To seek public office, candidates have to spend an enormous amount of money campaigning. The higher the office, the more money is needed.
All over the country groups are campaigning for more cycle paths.
Three more are on the ballot but are not actively campaigning. They include former U. S. House speaker Newt Gingrich, former Utah governor Jon Huntsman and the frontrunner, Mitt Romney.
She is so popular that some congressional candidates have expressed more excitement at the prospect of campaigning with her than with her husband.
Despite years of equality campaigning, more women are choosing to marry wealthy men than in the 1940s, the expert claims.
Despite years of equality campaigning, more women are choosing to marry wealthy men than in the 1940s, the expert claims.