The trio also raise the possibility that cleverly designed rewards could actually draw out more generosity by exploiting image motivation.
Fear to make a large sacrifice slows down you too much. Take time to evaluate the situations with more generosity, and all will become simpler and positive.
More important, some extravagant officials have not only been safe and sound but received quick promotion as well, thanks to their 'generosity', 'boldness' and 'capability of coordinating relations'.
Cultivating your own honesty, generosity and humility will enhance your self-esteem and make you a more compassionate and appealing friend.
We should honour generosity more than we do.
This means that "building back better" must be more than just a slogan. It also means that time is short before the world's generosity turns to cynicism.
Buffett's generosity hurt his fortune more than any market dip.
Lethal generosity is more than a bill board or promotional campaign To achieve tangible business results, it requires interacting and building relationships with an engaged community.
This generosity to America's enemies also sits ill with a more brusque approach to staunch Allies, such as Japan (see article), Britain and several east European countries.
When dining out, we tend to order more food than we can eat to show our generosity or hospitality, which courses plenty good food go into the trash.
"There is overwhelming evidence that the higher the level of self-esteem, the more likely one will be to treat others with respect, kindness, and generosity." -nathaniel Branden.
Simple and clear lines, graceful and noble decorations, all dilute the weak atmosphere slightly in the bedroom, with more showing of living generosity of spirit.
Sound public health policy needs more than fitful, reactive generosity.
I learned that generosity goes two ways and thankfulness sometimes cost a little more than "thank you".
The comments of those supporting Monsantos generosity do not ring true, leaving me with the suspicion they have more than altruistic motives for supporting this business.
Sometimes a simple act of generosity can motivate employees, impress prospective clients, and lead to more loyal customers.
My generosity like sea is vast, my love as deep as the sea, I'll give you more, I have more wealthy.
While people traditionally prioritize caring, sharing and generosity in life and work, modern people seem to be more self-absorbed and self-concerned.
He admonished his patients not to fall ill during the week of festivity, and to encourage them in their health he dispensed his services with even more than his usual generosity.
The Wide Seat Shows Super Strength and Generosity Though It's Deep and Profound as a Whole. This is an Art More Than an Technology;
The Wide Seat Shows Super Strength and Generosity Though It's Deep and Profound as a Whole. This is an Art More Than an Technology;