More importantly they were an Epiphany, the key to unlocking a whole new universe of knowledge.
They can put holes in your pockets but more importantly they can put unwanted holes in your skin and much more.
More importantly they will realise that they are necessary to move you into a more stable period, that will allow the people motivated by the Light to emerge.
More importantly, the people at Heritage Farm don't just store the seeds; they plant them.
They say that athletes are tested to make sure they are not using drugs and more importantly, women should be tested to make sure they are not men.
More importantly, scientists are already queuing for seats on these low-gravity space-flight services so they can collect data during a few minutes of weightlessness.
Still it is useful to know what big players do and, more importantly, what they don’t do.
More importantly, they were significantly worse at noticing the change when a different example of the same sound had been substituted.
Even more importantly, they don't want to spend hours configuring their computers to work with every new piece of hardware, or have to worry about constant software updates.
More importantly, they built a business that not only has a story to tell but encourages everyone who USES it to do the same.
More importantly you will feel more relaxed now that they are not expecting a world-class presentation.
Men love what they see - the curves - but more importantly, they love the thought or fantasy of what's hidden.
More importantly, they will feel heard and you will work together to find clarity and common understanding.
If something can fail, they need to know why it failed and, more importantly, what they can do to fix the problem.
More importantly, they made it socially acceptable, something even the poshest person could aspire to.
Not only can these consultants offer their expertise, but more importantly, they free current staff members to work on existing projects.
More importantly, they want to simplify things for their developers, raising the level of abstraction so that they can get more done more quickly.
More importantly, they didn't want to have to maintain a dozen or more copies of the event calendar anywhere.
More importantly, they should go away with an understanding of how and why this story has been written.
But more importantly, they can be used as a method to train the body's reaction to stressful situations and dampen the production of harmful stress hormones.
More importantly, they don't want to hear you talk on your phone while you are in the bathroom. It makes them uncomfortable.
More importantly, they have found that the lightweight client allows them to reach many more business partners, which increases the value of their solution immensely.
Much more importantly, they could be scaled up or down to fit bigger or smaller aircraft.
But more importantly, they found that the core region, called the focus of attention, has three roles - not two as proposed by previous researchers.
They also facilitate the ubiquitous MVC pattern and, even more importantly, they support refactoring into MVC code by embodying the view.
The rest of the story where Microsoft wins, and more importantly, how they won, the browser war is common history.
More importantly, they set out to test themselves against the forces of nature and the pursue of knowledge.
But, more importantly, they have long and interesting histories and cultures.
But, more importantly, they have long and interesting histories and cultures.