However, perhaps surprisingly, more pregnancies in the group of women who had had anorexia at some point were unplanned.
These women were also more likely to have pregnancies that lasted longer - raising the risk of stillbirth.
In Mapping Our Rights words: "More than 20 percent of all pregnancies in the United States end in abortion."
Further research at the University of California, Davis, soon produced several more successful chimeras, for the purpose of studying vital processes in livestock pregnancies.
In the Philippines, the average income growth for women with 1-3 pregnancies was twice that of women who had been pregnant more than 7 times.
在菲律宾,怀孕1 - 3次妇女的人均收入增长幅度是怀孕7次以上妇女的两倍。
Five thousand male respondents to an online survey by the marketing company Onepoll, said they were eating more as their partners’ pregnancies progressed.
These conditions are reported to be more common in women with untreated celiac disease, though miscarriages have many causes and occur in up to one-fourth of all pregnancies.
The Guttmacher Institute, a leading authority on reproductive health, says a rise in unintended pregnancies would result in some 400,000 more abortions a year.
The Guttmacher Institute, a leading authority on reproductive health, says a rise in unintended pregnancies would result in some 400, 000 more abortions a year.
They lived longer, had longer reproductive life spans, needed less time to recover between pregnancies, and had more children overall.
Chronic stress is more decisive in influencing the women's pregnancies.
When women are able to time and space their pregnancies, they are more likely to advance their education and earn an income—and they're more likely to have healthy children.
In a fresh look at the medical evidence for the blood test, she and her colleagues analyzed 57 earlier studies that included more than 6,500 pregnancies.
In a fresh look at the medical evidence for the blood test, she and her colleagues analyzed 57 earlier studies that included more than 6, 500 pregnancies.
Let's work together to reduce the number of women seeking abortions. Let's reduce unintended pregnancies. Let's make adoption more available.
By the time Liu Jingjun was two, the parents had decided they didn't want more children, and both had operations to ensure there would be no further pregnancies.
Objective: pregnancies in diabetic women are at 4-12 more risk for pre-eclampsia, an urgent, acute onset complication of mid to late gestation, than pregnancies in normal women.
目的:怀孕的糖尿病妇女比怀孕的正常妇女更容易患先兆子痫,其患病风险率大约高出4 - 12倍,先兆子痫是妊娠中晚期的严重的急性并发症。
Only late first pregnancies were more likely to produce a Down Syndrome baby, not late second or third pregnancies.
The findings do not prove that lower legal drinking ages lead to more unplanned pregnancies and birth complications, but do show an association between the two.
The findings do not prove that lower legal drinking ages lead to more unplanned pregnancies and birth complications, but do show an association between the two.