Hot flushes alone cause women approaching menopause to briefly rouse 100 times a night-around three times more than a woman who is not.
The yang of America’s labor force is this: over a 40-year career, a man earns $431, 000 more than a woman on average, according to the Center for American Progress.
其阳面是:美国进步中心的数据显示,四十年以上工龄的男性平均比女性每年多挣431000美元。 其阴面是:这十年内,美国历史上男性首次失去了劳动力市场上的支配地位。
According to statistics, a man is more than twice as likely to die of skin cancer as a woman.
According to statistics, a man is more than twice as likely to die of skin cancer than a woman, and nine times more likely to die of AIDS.
According to statistics, a man is more than twice as likely to die of skin cancer than a woman.
The processes of giving birth and breastfeeding protected a woman from breast cancer more than anything else.
So what to do with Mendocino County's "bear Woman," who remade her home into something of a luxury resort for more than a dozen bears?
According to the study, the couples with the best chance are those where a woman with a superior education marries a man who is five or more years older than herself.
A young woman with an extra ten or twenty thousand in her pocket has a lot more room to maneuver than a girl who's broke at the end of every month.
If, however, a woman is dishonest in one area, she is more likely to be dishonest in all areas than a man.
Their research shows that a less than perfect woman can make up for her shortcomings with more education.
I think a lot of us might answer: Women. And as a Canadian woman I probably apologize more than anyone else.
The last time I really fell for a woman, more than three years ago, and the breakup which brought back all the anger and sadness from my previous bouts of depression.
According to the study, the couples with the best chance are those where a woman with a superior education marries a man who is five or more years older than herself.
She indicated no curiosity in the woman who had carried on an affair with her husband for more than a year and then murdered him.
Security is called to 441 more than any other room and guests all report seeing the same thing: the shadowy outline of a woman.
Researchers claim both partners are more content if the woman has a lower Body Mass Index (BMI) than the man.
He thinks the research may eventually help clinicians better estimate how many embryos to transfer without raising the likelihood of a woman carrying more than one fetus at a time.
And why is it so hard to become "more than friends" with a woman you've been "just friends" with for a long time?
She’s more woman than most guys can handle and shedefinitely has the total package to impress a man.
"It's better than turning 20, I'll tell you that," she said. "you're more comfortable in your own skin as a woman."
It took more than an hour over tea for him to say that he disliked a woman, Hanfeng thought, but he just shook his head slightly.
Actually, there are many benefits of smiling - statistics says that smiling people get better salaries, and a smile makes a woman more attractive than makeup does.
I have met a lot of people knocking around the world since, but I have never met a more thoroughly refined woman than my mother.
A woman who ate ice cream two or more times a week had a 38% lower risk than one who treated herself less than once a week.
It's more than a little galling, considering I'm a Chinese woman in Britain who has just graduated into unemployment and masses of student debt.
Sarah had already provided a son for a woman in the Middle East and seemed more than willing to do so again for another one closer to home.
Sarah had already provided a son for a woman in the Middle East and seemed more than willing to do so again for another one closer to home.