If there is a given topic, which one do you think should be talked in the English Corner? (you can choose more than one answer)?
As so often, these findings raise as many questions as they answer. For one thing, SIDS is more than twice as common in boys as it is in girls.
The answer is yes, but there is one catch.The catch is that no matter how the pigeons are placed, one of the pigeonholes must contain more than one pigeon.
No one has produced a more satisfying answer than a man called Sigmund Freud.
If you answer "yes" to more than one of these questions, you might want be screened for hearing loss.
So you need a question that will elicit more than a one or two word answer.
In many cases, there is no one "right" answer, and what is needed is a decision more than a debate.
You are normally the one who will turn over every stone when searching for an answer because you are more afraid of what you don't know than what you might find.
Of course, one part of it the answer is that some people are more intelligent and industrious than others.
One quick word of advice: Try to ask open-ended questions, or questions that require more than a 'yes' or 'no' answer.
The general solution of the best answer to the assignment problem through more than one efficiency matrix.
Remember that you may need to consider associativity of the operators in order to determine the answer in the case of expressions involving more than one operator.
The reaction equation in a complex oxid - reduction, according to the authors, can be balanced by combining oxidization algorithm with coefficient algebra, which gives more than one correct answer.
To answer this type of question, you will have to consider the language of the passage as a whole: it takes more than one pointed critical word to make the tone of an entire passage "critical."
A refusal that includes "don't" - as in, "I don't answer emails on a Saturday night" - is more powerful than one centered around "can't."
Waiting for more than one hours after the Herald reporters through the door to the auction house asked what time the auction, the answer is always the three words "I do not know."
Waiting for more than one hours after the Herald reporters through the door to the auction house asked what time the auction, the answer is always the three words "I do not know."