Since, even after treatment, people who have had drinking problems are somewhat more likely than other people to have drinking problems in the future.
In the mid-1950s, I was a somewhat bored student who believed that doing any more than necessary was wasting effort.
For a nontrivial detector like the one developed here, the first experience is often somewhat disappointing — more false alarms than expected.
Keys are more springy than before, more solid and responsive than the somewhat loose, flappy ones on the last generation.
另一个有所改变之处,是键盘的触感 -- 按键比上一代感觉要更硬、更有弹性些,不再软趴趴的。
From my somewhat biased opinion, I think switching from one operating system to another is more difficult in the mind than it is in practice.
Of course, a computer is somewhat more complicated than a VCR, so there is more to learn.
Asians tend to be somewhat less happy than their income would suggest, and Scandinavians a little more so.
"If people think Jane is beautiful, and she is very organized and somewhat generous, people will see her as more organized and generous than she actually is," says Biesanz.
The company's data skews somewhat toward usage in North America and Europe, but it's still a more mainstream view of browser use than our site's.
Among the other 11, south Africa has a critical role to play as it is more developed than the others, and also somewhat of a gateway to southern Africa.
Animations and interactivity on slides within the deck are also somewhat more limited than other packages.
A full discussion of this philosophy and its advantages and disadvantages would take up much more space than I have for this article, so I'll simplify things somewhat.
Women who consume moderate amounts of alcohol in middle age are somewhat more likely than teetotalers to be in good physical and mental health in old age, new research finds.
At its worst, the image that the church gave of God was that of a wonder worker who explained the world's mysteries and seemed to have somewhat more interest in punishing men than rewarding them.
The first two ICONS with a chip and a CD-ROM were somewhat too hard to understand and seemed to represent the finished products more than the development phase.
前两个用芯片和CD - ROM代表的图标有点难以理解,它们看起来更像完成的产品而不是开发过程。
This method is somewhat more complex than the first but brings added benefits.
The IBM JVM does somewhat better by comparison, but the reflection method still takes more than 700 times as long as the other methods.
The somewhat outdated mantra "less is more" has probably never been more accurate than when it comes to nanotechnology.
And speaking of Mozilla, in case you were thinking that you'd never see more than a few lines of libraries, here's a somewhat more typical large application.
The result is that XMLBeans-generated classes are somewhat more complex to use than the equivalents for the other data-binding frameworks.
The JiBX unwrapped support is also somewhat more stable than the ADB version, because it has been fully supported since Axis2 1.1.1.
JiBX取消包装支持也比ADB版本更为稳定一些,因为从Axis21.1.1 起就提供了全面支持。
The pixel density of an iPhone is much greater than a desktop monitor, allowing small text to be read somewhat more easily and somewhat changing the relative size of images.
Young men somewhat below average (less than 75) in general mental ability, for example, are more likely to be unemployed than men somewhat above average (around 90).
Some 80% of all married people hide some purchases from their mates, according to a 2010 survey by CESI Debt Solutions. (And men are actually somewhat more likely to routinely do so than women.)
In that sense, the introvert is somewhat more mature than the extrovert.
He had sniffed out the truth beneath the dyed blue hair of Griff and Young Griff easily enough, and Yandry and Ysilla seemed to be no more than they claimed to be, whilst Duck was somewhat less.
He had sniffed out the truth beneath the dyed blue hair of Griff and Young Griff easily enough, and Yandry and Ysilla seemed to be no more than they claimed to be, whilst Duck was somewhat less.