That the accuracy of one millimeter was more than sufficient to make the case.
This was judged by your team to be more than sufficient to compensate for the competitive issues.
It should be noted that the 65000 + characters are more than sufficient for the most applications.
I'd multiply by ten or twelve if I had the energy. But two is much more than sufficient for my purposes.
Glancing at the examples section in the help is usually more than sufficient to understand how to use a command.
Abundance provides more than sufficient for everyone's needs, and you are to move into it in the very near future.
As you can see, this is a very simple process, but it is more than sufficient for performing any sort of static analysis.
These built-in validators are more than sufficient for run-of-the-mill validation tasks, such as checking e-mail addresses or dates.
Most first-rate interpretive artists today possess a technical equipment that is more than sufficient for any demands made upon them.
Apparently, there is more than sufficient interest in the use of Scrum in non-IT domains to mandate an entire 2-day event focused on this idea.
The energy and goodwill available in the world today are more than sufficient to meet the challenges before us, but they have to be well-informed.
But in my experience, the base UML language is more than sufficient for documenting the essentials of the architecture of most software-intensive systems.
Even a Shuttle enthusiast like Cabana has to admit-and does, reluctantly-that the venerable craft has proven with more than sufficient repetition that man can achieve low earth orbit.
即使是像卡巴纳这样的航天飞机热心家也不得不承认—-而且确实,不情愿地- - -这个珍贵的太空船已经绰绰有余地证明人类可以抵达近地轨道。
Food security and fortunes depend on sufficient rain, and nowhere more so than in Africa, where 96% of farmland depends on rain instead of the irrigation common in more developed places.
This period was more disastrous for farmers than earlier times had been, because farmers were no longer self-sufficient.
Without sufficient quality, your reusable components will require more maintenance and support overhead than you save on reuse.
More than likely, a simple date-based naming scheme will not be sufficient, as these names will become too vague and unclear as more backups are created.
The report says that most parents who did not get enough to eat ensured their offspring received sufficient food but that more than 1 million children still suffered outright hunger.
In cases where the requirements team actually finds a sufficient set before the time runs out, they invariably go on to invent more requirements rather than declare the task complete.
There is no reason to have more than one temporary table space of the same page size, and usually one with the largest page size is sufficient.
Iceland can be more self-sufficient and more creative - and still have an approach that is more 21st than 19th century.
More often than not, a simple display of genuine concern is sufficient to brighten someone's life.
Clearly, the library's plan to replace books that are borrowed no more than once a year with sufficient copies of more recent books will solve this problem.
As a society, we enjoy a richer and more leisurely life than we would be in a totally self-sufficient community.
As a society, we enjoy a richer and more leisurely life than we would be in a totally self-sufficient community.