Could you mix up the eggs, milk, vanilla and cinnamon the night before? So all you have to do is dip bread in it for French toast the next morning.
This morning, I ate two eggs and two steamed stuffed bun, a bowl of soybean milk, a dish of cowpea, actually didn't finish those.
Early the following morning, Sophia woke up only to find Edwin missing and also noticed a note under a glass of hot milk, on which were written too many words.
How long until they go the way of gas street lamps and morning milk deliveries?
It's good for us to drink milk in the morning.
I had an egg and some milk for breakfast this morning.
So that when he brought us our morning goblets of milk the forces of attraction in his mind would be greater than those of repulsion.
Could you mix up the eggs, milk, vanilla and cinnamon the night before so all you have to do is dip bread in it for French toast the next morning?
Every morning we would make a start after our bread and milk, and before sunset take shelter for the night in the next staging bungalow.
Bo Shi Wa drinks some milk every morning.
To-morrow morning, before you set out, you shall drink a cup of warm milk from our cows.
By the time the sun rose, my father, after his prayers, finished with me our morning milk, and then, I standing at his side, he would once more hold communion with God, chanting the Upanishads.
For the first four days of the study, they all ate a fixed diet of cereal and milk in the morning and frozen entrees for lunch and dinner.
We exchanged handshakes and names, and I almost didn’t mind that the store was shuttered and there would be no milk in the morning.
Every morning gave me a cup of boiling hot milk, but also always stressed side give me cook.
The participants drank an 8-ounce cup of sugar-free cocoa, sugared cocoa, or a hot nonfat milk beverage each morning for six weeks.
At seven o 'clock in the morning, we prepare to master and old milk grave, grave is a fresh thing for me, we take tools and set off.
On Christmas Eve, we leave out milk and cookies for Santa, and in the morning we find they are gone!
Health experts recommended simple ways to tackle eating despite a busy schedule, such as preparing some tomatoes, cucumber, a bottle of milk and pieces of bread before a busy morning.
And then cited a fresh squeezed milk, while watching the newspaper, while listening to old-fashioned tape recorders, this morning do not mention how beautiful!
Every morning, as soon as she got up, she warmed his milk, tied his bib on, and held the bottle for him.
Every morning, as soon as she got up, she warmed his milk, tied his bib on, and held the bottle for him.
They had coffee from condensed milk cans at an early morning place that served fishermen.
In my own house, I only have two of these items - pumpkin seeds, which I often roast and put on salads, and frozen blueberries, which I mix with milk, yogurt and other fruits for morning smoothies.
Mary didn't feel like drinking milk this morning.
After a day's work, he gave Ah Kin a pot of milk as a reward and asked him to come again next morning, so that he could introduce him to his brother.
After a day's work, he gave Ah Kin a pot of milk as a reward and asked him to come again next morning, so that he could introduce him to his brother.