The second part: I divide the Single Morpheme Word and categorize them according to the standard.
We discuss the word class of Ziwei through the theories of compound word and single-morpheme word, and think that it is the compound word, not the single-morpheme word.
The word 'like' contains one morpheme but 'un-like-ly' contains three.
In compounds, the rightmost morpheme determines the part of speech of the word.
All you had to know is the word "Dog" and the plural morpheme 's' and you could put them together to create a word.
To the subordinate compound word, it is discussed that the semantic function of the former morpheme, the semantic type of morphemes, and the relationship of semantic between the morphemes.
This paper aims to explore the stroke effect, word frequency effect and morpheme frequency effect in the recognition of Chinese one-character word by foreign students.
The de-categorization of "counterfeit" morpheme and the generalization of "X" morpheme play a key role in the process of mental solidification and construction of "Counterfeit X" word-model.
It carries not only such English genes as English morpheme, word formation, grammar, written form and English culture, but also those of Chinese language and culture.
A word formed by analogy may not correspond closely with its antonym in terms of morpheme meanings, semantic relations among morphemes and word meanings.
This essay describes how modern Uygur statements of negation consist of sample single-word negations, derived negations, and negations of morpheme.
In the research of the synonymy word of different form, we analyses the brmer kind from the difference in choosing morpheme.
The thesis defines the concept and presents the formation of foreign word and foreign morpheme briefly.
The composition units of Chinese have progressive lagers of Morpheme, Word, phrase and sentence. Each layer has a question of the internal parts' order.
The first chapter mainly overall introduced the Wei Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties inscription morpheme, the high frequency construction word morpheme general picture.
This paper analyzes the usage and characteristics of inherited morpheme in modern Chinese word formation based on some ones concerning human body.
Words with same morpheme but opposite refers to two-syllable compound word, which are a group of words the same morpheme and the morpheme-order against each other.
Words with same morpheme but opposite refers to two-syllable compound word, which are a group of words the same morpheme and the morpheme-order against each other.