Most of us do not aspire to robber barony.
However, most of us do feel better if we spend just a little time on our appearance.
Most of us do not usually use the automation tool to run test cases the first time.
Sleep is one of the easiest things to do, yet one of the ones that most of us don’t do.
Sleep is one of the easiest things to do, yet one of the ones that most of us don't do.
Most of us do the best we can, but regardless things can happen that are beyond our control.
This is actually what most of us do, because we don't use the power of imagination correctly.
But most of us do not yet understand that news is to the mind what sugar is to the body.
Most of us do not relax anywhere near enough, and this can damage our health in many ways.
With all that extra planning, it's easy to see why most of us don't do it as much as we'd like.
Most of us do not have the genes, family history, intelligence, or education to be creative.
Floss your teeth - This takes very little time and is something most of us don't do often enough.
用牙线清洁一下你的牙齿- - -这是个所需的时间很少却是我们不经常做的一个行为。
We instinctively feel a tinge of pain when we observe another in pain (at least most of us do).
The reason most of us do this is because we don't have enough knowledge about artificial light.
But most of us do not give our hearts to anything, and that it why we put this sort of question.
Most of us do what we can for the environment, but Rik Hill's actual job is to protect the planet.
Fortunately, it is pretty easy for us to see the benefits of including others, so most of us do that readily.
And they're unlikely to stumble, correct or contradict themselves, as most of us do in everyday conversations.
Most of us do not do particularly physically demanding jobs, but physical energy is still incredibly important.
Being outside activates different brain regions than sitting inside, as most of us do for the majority of our workday.
What most of us do not understand or realize is that we ourselves, being part of Universal Mind, have this same power.
Whether because of a lack of information, or because some of us are just plain lazy, most of us don't do enough exercise.
This is probably the way most of us do it, and in fact, that's how I usually do it as well, because there's no hassle at all.
As freshmen, most of us do not know in front of us what kind of life it is in university, but we do know that we must do well in study.
Most of us do this naturally, but it can be too easy to stick our heads in the sand and hope that everything will magically come together!
Please be respectful of other posters feelings and opinions. Although we may, and most of us do, disagree, there is no reason to be rude.
So you have shut the door on sorrow also, and that is what most of us do…Now, can we stop escape of every kind and come back to suffering?
So you have shut the door on sorrow also, and that is what most of us do…Now, can we stop escape of every kind and come back to suffering?