Like most working people, I find time or the lack of it, are never ending frustration and an unwinable battle.
Like most working people, I find time or the lack of it, are never-ending frustration and an unwinnable battle.
Because it was long thought that few people would watch lengthy televised political messages, most televised political advertisements, like commercial advertisements, took the form of short messages.
I like to see a pattern and resolution, so it does pain me that what appears so lovely and natural to me would be regarded as abhorrent by most people.
If you're like most people, you know power when you see it, but you can't really define it.
Like it or not, English has become the international language of communication. While more people speak Mandarin as a native tongue, English is the language most used as a second language.
It is possible to use them wisely and even profit from using them... however, most people don't use them that way, and for people like me, it's better to just cancel the card.
Just like going to the museum, most people see the "Do not touch sign", but the little dark rebel inside them forces them to touch it anyways.
If you're like most people, you believe that releasing anger is healthier than bottling it up.
You're working hard to get it done because, if you're like most people you've procrastinated a wee bit.
To most people, however, it looked like an unexciting Fiat Strada.
This experiment suggests most of us do it automatically to varying degrees and, just as the glossy magazine advice goes, it does encourage other people to like us.
Children do not like conflict, especially when it involves the two people in the world they love most.
Most people generally have little empathy for celebrities when it comes to this, and say stuff like well they should just accept it as part of the lifestyle.
Like most people, when it came to the swine flu hysteria, I was very much of the Keep Calm and Carry On school of thought.
Maybe like most people, I saw how easy it was to work with client-side coding with jQuery, and I ignored any possible performance hits.
When most people work on a complex issue, they like (or need) to break it down into smaller, more manageable issues.
The controlling hardware is a tablet computer with buttons on the side, something like a portable games machine, and most people can get the hang of it in a couple of days.
It is not like Halloween, where despite an interesting history, most people just put on Halloween costumes, get candy, and leave it at that.
In body size and limb proportions it was much like modern people. Its stone-tool culture, known as the Acheulean, was typified in most regions by big, symmetrical hand axes.
Never mind whether we're technically in a recession: it feels like a recession to most people, and higher interest rates would make it worse.
Most people would like to grow old gracefully but few could imagine making a career out of it.
It takes most people something like this program to awaken them to teach them that there's another way to live their lives.
It seems like a fun event, something to do. I know that most people who have jobs don't realize, but the biggest problem is, you don't have anything to do.
It's painful, in that we left behind the people we love the most. It was like tearing off a limb, except that you can live without a limb... living without these loved ones isn't so easy.
It's painful, in that we left behind the people we love the most. It was like tearing off a limb, except that you can live without a limb... living without these loved ones isn't so easy.