ERRORLEVEL: Lists the error code of the most recently used command.
QEMU caches the most recently used translated blocks in a 16 MB block.
QEMU将最近使用的翻译后的代码块缓存在一个16 MB的块中。
It USES an optional feature that allows it to remember a per-user most recently used (MRU) list of files.
Prevents the system from adding a link to the selected file in the file system directory that contains the user's most recently used documents.
Prevents the system from adding a link to the selected file in the file system directory that contains the user's most recently used documents.
In previous versions of Modeler, related constructs were stacked on top of each other, with only the most recently used item available to add into the process model.
In Chapter 17 we described a better File (or Document) menu. One useful feature we didn't mention there is the Most Recently Used list on Microsoft applications (see Figure 22-3).
在第17章中我们描述了一个更好的文件(或文档)菜单,有一个有用的功能我们没有谈及,那就是在微软应用中常见的“最近访问过的”列表(如图22 - 3所示)。
The browsing history, the recently closed tabs and the most visited pages are used to automatically create a homepage.
When they ran a scan and asked the subjects to recall the association they had most recently seen, blood flowed in parts of the brain that are used to recall faces and scenes.
Fleming, recently named as one of the most important people of the 20th century, used bacteria coloured with dye to create 'paintings' as part of his experiments.
Instead, the most-recently used buffers (pages) are cached here and can be quickly provided back to the individual file systems.
CFRP materials have been available for nearly 50 years and are used in the aviation and aerospace industries, in car racing and, most recently, in rotor blades for wind turbines.
I used to use log4j because it was most popular, but recently decided to try JDK logger in my current project.
我曾经使用log4j因为它是最流行的,但是最近,我决定在我的新项目中尝试JD Klogger。
Recently, position servo control system has been widely used in most fields like NC machine tool, machining center, robot etc.
My French is entirely fluent, because I use it a good deal, and my Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and Greek come and go, depending on which has been used most recently.
Resistance welding technology is one of the most widely used welding methods in the world recently.
The Multivariate Regression Analysis (MRA) is widely used in the Study of biological science recently, but most of us are still not familiar to its algorithm and computation.
Most recently NPR was the recipient of a Creative Work Fund Grant which will be used for a collaborative series of projects collectively titled Radio Cartography.
With Application Settings, you can store not only application data such as database connection strings, but also user-specific data, such as toolbar positions and most-recently used lists.
With Application Settings, you can store not only application data such as database connection strings, but also user-specific data, such as toolbar positions and most-recently used lists.